so where are the lands? ;)
+ 4 talaria's batalion
I took a look at tour deck... and yeah you might win this... ;) but I think this deck is more fun.. ;) I used Chandra to make my deck... ( I'm building a deck for every individual planewalker ;) So I can't add other collours...
yeah doubling season is nice... but it only works when the planewalker comes into play... doubling season doesn't work for using the planewalker abilities. So if use the "life gain" ability of the planewalker and I would have a doubling season inplay... the ammount of loyalty counters won't be doubled... but when the planewalker comes into play it's true that the planewalker comes into play with double counter on it... in this case... I 'll be able to cast the avatar right away. ;)
@ akroma: look here: @ George Thnx... ;) so do I...
Niv-mizzet + curiosity should do the trick in this deck... ;)
it's effective and you'll control a lot... BUT (I'm not sure..) holding off your opponent for so long doesn't make you win... you'll need to find a way to do damage
why 30 basic lands and 4 rampant growth? I got the idea you could put some better cards in your deck instead of all the land... :)
I'm kind of an experienced elf deck player... and I've had about 10 different elf decks and I know them really good... and there's no way you'll have 140 elves in your first turn... atleast not with these cards...;) it might work with P9 and concordant crossroads... but those cards aren;t in this deck... :P
I think you should try to make your deck even faster, mana excelerators and card draw things you miss. The idea is really nice tho... but you should figure out a way to let it work faster... :)
with the familiars ruse I can return Spellstutter Sprite and Mistbind Clique to my hand... this way I'm able to replay them and use there come into play abilitý. Oona, queen of the fae is lorwyn block... even eventide will be lorwyn block. And it might me true that with cards from other blocks this deck would be better... but it works really good like this... and it's fun playing with the same block.. ;)
knacksaw clique woudn't work in this deck... at least... the other cards in this deck are too important... :). Faerie conclave is true... but I wanted only cards from the lorwyn block... ;)
Nah I usually play casual and fun decks... I've got a faerie T2 deck... but thanks for the advice... any other advice is always welcome... ;)
make it 4 manta riders and 2 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
je weet wat ik ervan vind...:P minder shadow meer damage... ;)