(Quick shout out to Northy, for getting me back into this game ^^ Can't wait till he comes back.)
Moro-red burn, pure and simple. The last of a few versions of this deck designed for constructed play. It's designed to use the player's life total as a resource and burn an opponent to the ground as fast as possible. Designed to be reasonably within budget, I ordered this for about 30 euro. Still can't wait to test it out, but would love to hear some opinions. (And if anyone could think of a better name I'd appreciate that too ><)
Stronger against:
*CONTROL*, Junk reanimator/constellation, Jund, mono blue
Weaker against:
Mid range, aggro, mono coloured decks.
In general, try and take every opportunity to hit your opponent for direct damage, in their turn if at all possible. Dictate of the Twin Gods is your last-resort win con- Flash it in their turn, then when you untap unleash hell. If you can't do it that turn, you probably won't win at all.
This deck is loaded with control-killing cards. Play Eidolon of the Great Revel and Mindsparker, and your enemy will be forced to pay 4 life just to remove them or counter them. Most control decks will splash colours, so by all means board in the Burning Earths.
Junk Constellation/Reanimator:
These days, it's not uncommon to see Junk run full sets of nonbasic lands, and Burning Earth cuts this deck to pieces. Even without it, Junk tends to be relatively slow, lacking in life gain, and play shocklands, so it's not impossible to take them down before they even get a chance.
Jund/Naya Midrange and Aggro:
Once again, being mono red in this format lets you play Burning Earth, and this card punishes this deck too, however these decks are faster than Constellation so you should be wary. Your best bet is scrying into an Anger of the Gods to wipe their mana dorks, Burning-trees and even the odd Reckoner off the board, buying you time to keep up the pressure on their life points.
Mono Blue: You want Anger of the Gods every time because it eats Master of Waves alive. Mono-blue relies on Master of Waves, and that card costs the same as Dictate of the Twin Gods which is the very last card in your deck which you may not even need.
Mono Black:
In a word, mono black in both aggro and devotion is too slow to stop you, and Skullcrack hoses Grey Merchant so hard. Mono black decks rely on the likes of Tormented Hero into Gnarled Scarhide, or other bestow cards like Herald of Torment, and being a deck full of removal you're in a position to out-value the enemy by wasting their bestow.
U/W or W/R Heroic:
Not sure how big of a thing Heroic is, but the same problems apply as mono black - Too slow, and burn can still punish Bestow.
Mono-Red/Green Aggro:
Burning Earth will sit dead in your hands, and the sad fact is that creatures are likely to out-race your spells. Anger of the Gods will help, but most mono-colour aggro decks will out race you (Aside from black as I said.)