only 500/500? ive gotten her to over an easy 1000/1000 since if done right you double your life and her power every turn.
lol you should tell me what you think of my decks lol
I know \cry
may I suggest subbing our CoA for door of destinies does the same thing only just for your creatures
not bad I would love that legendary land for my token deck lol
may I suggest subbing out coat of arms for door of destinies?
not bad different from any token deck ive put together altho mine are not budget lol
I replaced the reckoners with the spitemare due to cost there really isn't much difference tween the 2 they do the same thing
Ive mainly been doing that so I have an idea about how much my deck is worth with each card. but ty for the suggestion
np I still have a few more decks to add when I do ill take a look at yours
If I had the money id love to see what my group would have to say about this deck you got some really nice creatures
I know about that one I want it so bad going to be one of my next cards I buy
Well sorin I had bought and changed up but Fatties was all my idea its really trimmed down used to be over 100 cards lol
I bought it then started to change out cards to make it better
ill have to look that up thanks :) feel free to look at my other decks lol
I have the 2 call of the kindred I do I have in my slivers lol and ty for the kind words makes me feel better that someone would take take inspiration from me :)
I know been trying too but im not too good with blue lol any advise would be much appreciated
my adjustment to the stock EDH deck let me know what you all think