
16 Decks, 13 Comments, 0 Reputation

Ondu cleric gives me the same effect Kor Firewalker Would in U/W control, but it actually has synergy in the deck itself.

im thinking this...
4x Ondu Cleric
4x Celestial Purge
4x Nature's Claim

Any more suggestions would be awesome!

Posted 06 October 2010 at 12:04 in reply to #90860 on Beastmode Allies


I just realized, you and I have the same EDH General.

you should see my list im gonna put it up tommorow.

Posted 06 October 2010 at 04:45 as a comment on teysa


Consuming vapors in the side?
maybe deathmark/doomblade/grasp of darkness.

in my opinion, if you're gonna run some blue. run some mana leak lol

Posted 06 October 2010 at 04:44 as a comment on yes, another infect deck


No oran-reif, the only creatures im swinging with are white creatures, that land only benefits green creatures unfortunately.

Tom; Ondu clerics are probably going in the side, he's good but im going for a more re-occuring aggro side, the life gain potency i wont need because i'll win so fast i won't matter.

Posted 05 October 2010 at 11:57 as a comment on Beastmode Allies


HAHA yeah!!!
Genesis wave for 8 on turn 4.......

i win?

Lol that's just one of the many interactions!

Posted 05 October 2010 at 01:52 in reply to #90599 on Beastmode Allies


needs more consistency, and drop the creatures that arent allys.

if you arent playing allies every turn, you lose card advantage my friend =]

Posted 10 April 2010 at 16:20 as a comment on Life Madness Allies


the only thing i would do is possibly drop an island and mountain for 2 plains, just for the fact iona costs 3 white to play, maybe also invest in some fetchlands =] (they are expensive) or you can use terramorphic expanse as well =]
other than that looks pretty solid, and maybe sideboard Negates in place of dispel =]

Posted 10 February 2010 at 13:44 as a comment on Show stopper


oh and why not goblin cheiftains????

Posted 07 February 2010 at 22:56 as a comment on T2 Sligh


pete, as for the replacement for goblin guide, straight up drop the raging, 2 power for one mana coming from the jackal is too much to pass up so 1st turn jackal, 2nd turn goblin guide, 4 damage, kinda like your own putrid leech =]

Posted 07 February 2010 at 22:50 as a comment on T2 Sligh


its not even 60 cards lol. i think you missed the baloths buddy

Posted 07 February 2010 at 01:30 as a comment on Blunt Force Trauma


i forgot you already ran mana excel, excuse me for being dumb as well lol

use borderposts in place of them, just for even more mana accel ^^

Posted 28 January 2010 at 18:00 as a comment on Manabarbs


Pete, if you dont want to get mana burned, try using other sources of mana
steward of valeron, nobles, birds, or if you dont want to replace your current creatures use
BORDERPOSTS! most people underrate them, they are well worth it trust me

Posted 28 January 2010 at 17:59 as a comment on Manabarbs


okay, first of all comment mine as well, all i have to say is, drop the piper, he's not worth it considering you already have mana ramp in the llanowar elves and birds,
i suggest running hells thunder.

Also, drop the 1 naturalize and 2x overruns, they dont fit the deck theme, if your going green red with that kind of rush i suggest 4x clossal mights and 4 lightning bolts.
and you may want to run land destruction like demolish, because that would reduce the lands they had, and force them to tap the land that is manabarbed =]

Posted 28 January 2010 at 03:35 as a comment on Manabarbs
