Good idea, what would you suggest replacing with it? Maybe Aurelia and a 1-of of something else?
Lol, awesome. XD I think Advent would do better than Farseek, to have a bit more that can be populated, and since you don't have anything you're ramping to past five.
Lol, a tricky R/W/G? Yeah, might have to put a couple Bronzeback in.
Good points, trying it with a one of for now, I'll see how it goes and maybe switch more out.
Agreed, Bronzeback might be something to consider as well.
I thought about splashing black to replace Garruk with Sorin LOI, and midnight haunting with Lingering Souls. Didn't think of undying evil. That might work, the only problem is, it only interacts with one 4-of in the deck. Might have to try Lives though, that could work great.
Lol, true. :)
Thanks on the graveyard hate, knew I was forgetting something. As far as my choice of Garruks, there are a couple of reasons. Mana cost is a large one, the three green requirement would hurt in a noticeable percentage of matches. Relentless can also come out a turn sooner. He's mainly a token generator in this deck either way, with the option of removal for relentless, or card draw with hunter. Anyway, those are my main reasons, thoughts? :)
Cool, I like it, much more mid-range, while mine is more aggro.