looks like it has a lotta potential as a good aggro deck. zealous conscripts is a good card id recommend. also huntmastesr of fells of course if u have access too them.
I might build this myself :)
fling with nivmagus and vexing is really good. why didnt i think of that =/ Id drop the copy spells for some more burn. Try artful dodge for unblockable and pillar of flame is the number one killer of undying creatures like messenger and strangleroot. Other then that this is a pretty solid deck idea.
Lol love the idea dude. Ive been tweaking a deck like this for my local standard league. Think blood artist is in my top 5 fave cards on standard atm.
Need hypersonic dragon and bustersqual. both those cards are soooo good
take a look at my burn deck for ideas :)
Nice deck. I plan on making a mono white detain deck after RTR too. Gonna be such a frustrating deck to play against
Fun thing bout a burn deck is u really cant screw it up. Point of burn is to finish the game as fast a possible. For creatures grim lavamancer and goblin guide are commen creatures and then just stack 1- 2 cost burn spells. lighting bolt lava spike, etc. Vexing devil is also amazing for burn. Drop the 2 mana burns and the red sun. enchantment isnt gonna show much use and x spells are more for a long game finisher witch isnt the point of burn. Sorry if I sound nit picky. Hope this helps :)
Never seen this deck before. "Opens deck box." Never mind. Its a fun deck. One of my personal faves. Try running sign in blood. Draw for you and 4+ to them. Great game end if the puzzle box doesnt do the job for some reason :P
I am in love with this deck. Might i suggest grim lavamancer?
Id drop one warren instigator for another lackey. Found the 1st turn drop has more of a chance to get something out before its dead. just me though
your commander is amazing lol. Great deck
Looks fun. I might build try it out
Lol mono white screams newbie XD Id remove war falcon for another human just to keep the theme going. Like that 1 drop that gets a 1/1 counter for ever human u play
If u are new and already sticking to 60 card max decks than u have a bright future lol. Try less one ofs and stick to a theme. Like pick a mechanic and build around it.
I played this same deck like a week after i started playing. Blew my mind lol. Drop 2 land and 6 rats n put in 4 dark ritual and 4 cabal ritual. Speeds things up a bit. Mind commenting :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=384072
Love that combo so much
Yes very nasty indeed. I wanna make this deck
Maybe cathedral of war? Idk the price though but it would help with the exalted part of the deck. Otherwise for a cheap deck it looks pretty good. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=384072 mind commenting?:)
I like the mill option. wouldnt see that comming lol
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