I played around with an Eldrazi deck for a bit. Since you are rolling R/G it might be better to curb some of your early mana costs down. Brood Birthing is a good low cost token generator. Hand of Emrakul is an honorable mention too since you are stressing token generation. 4 drop 7/7 if you use spawns and if you do this the 2 drop Nest Invader might be better combo. Invader + Birthing = HoE. It That Betrays + All Is Dust might merit sticking that next All Is Dust in from the SB. Good stuff regardless. I still like the idea of Eldrazi even if I don't see many of them used.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=78261 & EXP: 5 I'm looking for feedback on making My RDW more competitive. I want to be able to not embarrass myself at my first Tournament so feel free to speak your mind. I'll check occasionally to return any comments. Thanks.