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I am printing proxies today or tomorrow
Yes, thank you, I started with it in the deck but shied away from the 4cmc, especially since 3cmc is my most crowded slot and the deck is already "top-heavy" in that sense.
Another thought I had, reducing the Dragon count in order to add some Dark Rituals. Since you can specifically tutor out Dragons with Buried Alive, I don't really need 16 dragons in the deck. Tutor out the right ones and you can Bidding with 3 Dragons for the win most times. I figure that Dark Rituals will just help accelerate anything you want to do throughout the game.
Thank you guys, I'll be proxying this up and trying the out. Some good choices here, don't know how I missed some of these; perhaps because I only play more seriously from Odyssey through the end of Mirrodin block, so I haven't kept up with all the newer cards. I just had to re-read Phyrexian Obliterator, that card looks amazing: an under-costed creature with trample and makes my opponent permanents? What's not to love!! My original build had two Visara the Dreadful and 2 Kokusho Evening Star but the mana issue was screwing everything up so I dropped them. Otherwise, yes, Coffers + Exsanguinate was my finisher. Had planned that Vampire Nighthawk and Ravenous Rats would nibble away at the opponent until I was ready to finish them. Updated deck list soon...
In my goldfishing and a couple sample games I'm struggling with the mix of Swamps with the Cabal Coffers and swamp-cycling T-Bomb. I don't think I should be having the problems I'm having. Perhaps trying to cycle the Twisted Abomination is a waste of time/mana/turns and I should focus on stalling my opponent and getting the Vampire Nighthawk swinging every turn.
I agree. I'm not really a fan of land destruction, but technically, that two card combo has been a pet favorite of one my long-time friends. I built this version for him.
I will go research "reanimator decks" as it sounds familiar as a known archetype. Explain the self-discard? Entomb sounds good. I agree about reducing the amount of reanimate targets. Goldfishing has shown that as soon as I can Buried Alive for 3 Hellkite Overlords I can then drop Patriarch's Bidding for game. So technically, the 16 creature targets could be cut in half. Should I fill the bottom end in with some Mono Black Control kinds of things? Duress? Distress? Or go for some cheap bodies for early swings and chump blockers? I don't want to dilute the purity of the original build, but yes, I can't just be at the mercy of my opponent until turn 5 at the earliest. Once I've used Buried Alive or Entomb, is it worth adding Doomed Necromancer to get a dragon out a turn or two before I can 'Bidding?
I figured the backup win is just hard-casting Haste'd Dragons...
@DemonKing28, good call, the Starstorms were afterthoughts like I said, will edit them out for Faithless Looting. Thanks!I started with Book Burning too, but dropped them for Buried Alive as they were more straightforward.