Very solid, but very expensive deck. If I knew your decklist, you'd be the target of the table for sure. If you're cool with that, go for it! Probably one of the most competitive Mayael decklists I've seen. Have a look @ mine. It's a little more casual, but still has the potential to score some wins without making people insane :)
I like it, have a look @ my Mayael deck for some more ideas! It's soooooo hard to find good removal for Mayael that you'd sacrifice good creatures for!
Emrakul is in the banned list for EDH.
Cool deck, I've got one also :) Yours looks like it's got a lot of good utility cards, whereas mine is a little (ok a lot) more tribal dragons. Something to note: Your obelisk of alara is an illegal card in this deck, as it contains mana symbols not included in your general's casting cost.