Thank you very much. I found that Augur proved to be the wiff champ. With a main of 7 planeswalkers and heavy land set - its a gamble.I will take in your consideration for beefty creatures tho. Maybe a Desecration Demon..? side note:the fact that his deck, against creature, based matchups can T2: Breaking into T3: Crypt Incusion for 15+ is stability if anything else.edit***+2 Desecration Demon-1 Izzet Charm-1 Thought ScourOMG; \(^o^)/ much better
sub. Putrefy(s) for your akward 6 total Dreadbores :pfix your sideboard, and you're good to go.
Comments and suggestions are welcome'd and honored.
Youre right Gaspartacus. I saw that Gyre Sage was half useful at times. If I can find something better that would help alot. But at the meanwhile Gyre Sage does ramp nicely into a T4 Corpsejack if we dont have the 4 land s
Comments are welcome ^ ^
I'm glad I can help, fellow jund
Let me know your opinions and comments~
I really like your idea of Jund Zombies. +1 off the batSuggestions & Other neat adviceI would like to see some improvements on the sideboard along with your main deck.i.e. Pillar of Flame against Voice of Resurgence, Ashe Zealots, mirror matchup. i.e. Faithless Looting works great with this deck. (Yet that still is experimental)Lean towards simple aggro and less synegy. The lothleth troll does work well with other cards but you already have so much low drops. At often I stuggle with a light hand and the creature I want to discard are bound to be either in the graveyard already or on the battlefield. Try: +1 Falkenrath Artistocrat -1 Lotleth Troll Since Spike Jester does work with the Golgari Champion, he doesnt usually come off and sticks after turn 2.Try: -1 Spike Jester +1 Blood Scrivener Because we would like to take advantage of that sticky situation and keep the aggro coming.
I might want to change your sideboard a little. You want to go lower than those 5 drops. Looks like youre trying to build more aggro so lets drop the control varrants. Other than that. Good work
Great job in making a Jund Aggro deck. You have no idea how much time I spent trying to figure out the perfect jund aggro post DGM. Looking foward to your edits and new decks+1
Comment please :) ill make sure to get rep
I like this. I really do.No more akward turn 3: Boros Wreakoner. I would sub. Deadbore with Rancor tho.and Hellrider with Falkenrath Goodjob with everything else
So much thought! *likes*lower the count on jace and synco, just because you're going to have a hard time with aggro.
Comments are welcomed - Would love to see what your opinions are before I start making this deck myself lol
Why not run its a Junk Rites deck. Adding in Burial Rites can be really nice, esspecially mid/late game.The Flicker / ETB effects work nicely with the theme your going for, since there are certain cards that straight up destroy . Murder/Victim of Night/Supreme Verdict Why not reanimate them back? Its a four mana drop to bring a 5mana drop. And it has flashback ^^Goodluck! And I hope things work out for you
Why, Lingering Souls is 3 mana: 2 spirits one time use.No Black
"Gruul Superfriendz"
Why not Unexpected Results? I find it more useful than Primal Surge Primal Surge is mana heavy and does if not almost the same as Unexpected Results.That and you'll kill yourself >.< since there's no way to pull Laboratory Manic.Rebuild
So much thought out into this deck ^ ^
Don't forget your Drowned Catacombs! They are a bit fair in price, but a well earned investment.I feel as if Zombie decks like these are outclassed in casual games just because there are many many options out there for them. You do have a quite big selection using beta cards, so I recommend looking further into overpowered blue cards to help and to cut the excess Zombies that are not needed. Search "zombie" at this site under -text- and you'll have a blast. Goodluck!If you really want to run a beautiful B/G zombie deck, check out <link> for some great ideas.
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