it seems solid my suggestion is use kilin feind and tainted strike with assault strob it's an instant one turn kill you get kilin feind to a 9/9 then tainted strike him then assault strob him and swing for 10 poison in one turn hope it helps
thats sick infinite mana didn't think it was possible guess it is great deck
if your getting tokens with kazuul, why not throw in dragonmaster outcast as well just a suggestion other than that the deck is solid
your deck is in the right place but just a suggestion run keening stone and sphinx of magosi the sphinx for draw and beatdown if needed and combo's good with jace's erasure the keening stone is for game win and combo's great with traumatize checkout my mono blue draw/mill and give some feed back
lmao nice name
how about some hunts masters and door of destiny
very fantastic build best under $50 deck yet checkout my U/B bruiser deck its october format tell me what you think
2 words fantastic build
if your not going type 2 then why not traumatize or sanity grinding or keening stone just a suggestion
noticed you have elvish prominade hears three cards you might think to add first lys huntsmaster help get tokens second door of destinies gives you charge counters and power for your elve's last its and old card but works excellent with the tokens and counters its called doubling season I use all three and it works i usually get about 100 tokens with 100 charge counters thats if your going to stall to get that hope it helps
To help you I suggests putting 4 Door of Destines in your deck now I it cost 5 bullshit to bring on the field but it is so worth it especially comboing it with doubling season and lys alana huntmaster and I know because my tokens can get to a 100/100 power and tuffness.
Not a bad deck
I'll consider your thoughts on fixing my deck in the mean time checkout Blue Death the one thats straight blue
It's A great deck and one worthy of the grand prix but if you want some ideas checkout my deck Elvish Battalion
All I can say is this is A kickass deck
Checkout my elf deck and see if you can find what you need to improve it my deck is called Elvish Battalion and good luck.