I like the myr. My version uses 2 galvanizers, any other myr, and Kyren negotiations. Tap the myr to do point of damage to player, tap galvanizers to untap all myrs, repeat until opponent dead. I also have cards to pump up the myrs and find/clone the galvanizers. It doesn't do to bad. I haven't stopped fast aggro yet though. Looks like that could be a problem with yours as well. The first 3-4 turns look weak for you.
If you are using elves for the mana ramp than look at glimpse of nature, heritage druid, nettle sentinels, etc. Mine has changed a little from this but, it will show what I am talking about. http://www.mtgvault.com/johnkaldar/decks/fast-trample-infect/
i would think about getting more to slow down fast aggro and burn decks.
I have switched some sideboard and mainboard stuff around. I am also going to look for some instants/enchantments, ie blanchwood armor, that play off forests as well.
These are the cards that I currently have and will look at adjusting to make it more streamline.
I tore my land destructioin deck apart years ago. I like the splinter. Now I will have to remake again to piss people off.
I would look at getting elfs out faster than turn 3. If you are going against fast legacy decks, then you will just be starting while they are killing you. Look at turn one and two mana adders to get your archdruid out faster, so he can produce mana for you.
I am looking at changing things to drop some spells and add some token generators and possibly something to sacrifice them for life or damage.
looking for counters to burns and board wipes
somewhat same concept using black. Turn 1, swamp, dark ritual, entomb, exhume. A friend uses this to pull an Emrakul. It might not be exhume, but only cost two mana to pull out of graveyard to battlefield.
you didn't finish it yet
i have tried this on cockatrice and went ok. their random generator sucks bad, so i want to try it out for real. i do need anti burn
I built the same kind of deck and I think some cards to exile & return/put back into hand would also help bring golems out faster.
I am thinking of going ally with this deck
I have a pauper deck that uses firebreathing and fling. I think I might try another with some uncommon and rares. You have a couple of ideas I might use.
reason for the master of the pearl trident?
I like exalted decks. I have found that silent arbitrater helps slow opponent attacks
I finally found another signal pest. I thought I had a playset. Signal pest should let triumph do its job with less creatures
I am using this concept in a pauper deck. I make a creature unblockable and pump with firebreathing and fling if needed.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=370718 I am using elves for cheapcost and mana. I want triumph of hordes and beastmaster ascension to finish the job. I am thinking of four signal pests working with taunting elves to make triumph work better. So far a couple of turn three wins otherwise mainly turn 4-6kill wins
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