Haha! Cool!! I want to play agenst you some time! ;)
haha!! Nice draw xD Yea i said that, bud i got to learn something from my friends to! Beside i have 4 fauna shaman! I think that this is my second best deck this far :P
I dident study you deck but i'm not a big fan of having a lot of single cards in a deck" :P Btw! Could i get like a hotmail add.. :P
Heey!! :D Yea long time no see! Thanks! i shall consider you advise!
Thanks! Keep on the good work!
I have to admit that i like this one! I think i would have removed the rendclaw trow thou. You should maby add Torture, you could kill many good creatures with that and get them for your self. Or Instill Infection, that would give you some card advantage but i think it's a little to expensive. An other one is Skinrender, that one could do really great in your deck. Or just a wither creature like Cinderbones, witch you can regenerate, or Smoldering Butche. But i would rather prefer to add one more of Sickle ripper than smoldering Butcher. After all a really cool deck! Thats my opinion, and there are many bad decks on mtgvault so good go!
I have an eldrazi deck to.. But not posted, but maybe you could get some clue to get out some fast mana in my forest deck. And just check out my other decks.. Basicly if you like swamp :D
The only weakspot i have felt is that flying get paset way to easy.. so i have to rellay on that they wont attack, because the need to block..
Haha!! Sweet! If you could have gotten a canupicover on the mycoloth you would have been safe from doomblade or something like that to.. Because you have a problem agenst swamp if you are going in to a turnement, but it's cool! :D
I know that i works.. I usually get around 7 land and have like 9 mana availabl at the forth turn, and it's just pure pownage from there...
You should add Bojuka Bog!!
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Just one question... How are you gonna win? xD Long time no se btw..
If i were you, i would have remove one reverberate one terminate and one cerebral eruption and add 3 sign in blood. I think you would need your opponent to get some more cards to discard and to lose some life to. You could also use it on your self.. And maybe you should add some more discard cards 2..
Sweet! I like it, but how does it work in reality?
Hey! Thanks :) I have thought about having a 3. color to my deck. I always thought that should be plain, but maybe it's better with blue.. Thanks!
haha!! I do! :P
Ahh, Cool! Thanks, i shall consider it! :P Mini baneslayer.. Haha! Cool! :P
Yeah i know! That is a sweet card! :P
Yeah i saw it, but i don't remember how it was. I think it had to high manacost..
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