
0 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Hi! Just played against you on MTGO, was using acid trip.

I see you don't have any way to draw cards or generate CA, so why not a full play set of pilfered plans? Mills and draws more fuel.
Thought scour can certainly be good too, generates no CA unlike pilfered plans, but is cheap and remplaces itself (like needle drop in burn). In my opinion, you don't play enough creatures to justify the 2 death wards and the 3 paranoid delusions, it's what i did drop.

Maybe more removal (at least in the sideboard), including chainer's edict (or any sacrifice effects) for boggles/aura hexproof, and at least one crypt incursion in the side. It's an amazing card in mill decks, i myself play it maindeck as a singleton (in my mill deck it can be tutored with drifts of phantasm), and versus creature heavy deck, it can make you gain 30+ life, which usually make games.

Good luck!

Posted 28 April 2016 at 19:33 as a comment on Pauper Dimir Mill
