thats a nice deck man, i like it
says the man with 2 posts solely on this deck
lol, sounds like hate. at least the deck gives the opponent a chance to play the game, unlike some control decks that basically immobilize their opponent to the point where you might as well play by yourself. however, i do enjoy the fact that my deck was important enough for you to create a new account just to post this on comment.
serras awesome, and hated during 2 headed giant... i tried ajani in this deck, didnt work out for my set up
i replaced 2 Plains for 2 Emeria, the Sky Ruin, seem like its a good late game land
awesome deck man, i tried some of those cards and they didnt work out from my deck ie: felidar/sanguine bond, ajanis mantra and pridemate, hope there working out better for you then they did for me. let me know what you think of mine:
awesome deck man, let me know what you think of mine:
what about unmake guys? i think i need a little creature control and that would help pump up my voracious hatchling and my nightsky mimic
good point on the 20 lands, thanks
i agree with taking out restless apparitions, but i think i wanna replace them with voracious hatchling. and i think im gonna add lifelink auar because it would work great with mourning thrull and also make my nightsky give me life as well. very nice suggestions.
wheres the beatdown?
awesome deck man, check let me know what you think of mine:
thanks for the suggestions guys, i really like elixer of immortality, ive also thought about chalice of life, what do you think?
nice deck man, check mine out:
awesome deck man, check mine out
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