old school bant

by joeytibbs518 on 04 May 2012

Main Deck (62 cards)

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Deck Description

deck i used to run was good against thresh and dredge and combo and other aggro decks might be good again prolly needs a face lift it had a tough match with merfolks but that deck is non existent now ....before u ask yes it was always 62 cards i know its odd and 19 lands super greedy but i had alot of success and i wanted to put the exact lis up before we make changes i dont remeber the exact sideboard

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  • Tournament

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This deck has been viewed 2,794 times.

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for old school bant

very intereting. I have always been fascinated by counterbalance. it looks very effective at first glance, but after thinking about it... it doesn't seem like it would do that well. I personally have never played with it, so I can't say really. which brings up the point of my post. Have YOU seen it be very effective?

all in all, I like this deck. Although I prefer path to exile over swords to plowshares. But, I think that is more of a personal preferance, and depends on play style.
also,I like the brainstorm, so that you can put progenitus back in your deck if he is in your hand. Then you can put him in play with the natural order.

However, what would you do if a grafdigger's cage come up, nd you can't play cards from your library? you have no other way of putting progenitus out. Perhaps throw in show and tell, or something of a similar nature?

anyways. I like this deck a lot. :)

Posted 09 May 2012 at 23:55


well i prefer sword over path because i am playing daze i dont want my early counters to not be effective cause i gave my opponent land and second the counter balance by it self is weak but combined with the top u arrange the cards before you reveal giving u a huge chance of hitting the same converted mana cost paired with brainstorm and fetchlands u can find any mana cost u need also after playing for a while you learn to keep a 1,2,3 drop on top or in some cases a land for zero drop spells and natural order bypasses graffdiggers your not playing a creature from your library your simply putting it in play cards like narcomeba are being played from your library and for your question yes i have piloted it to top 8's at power nine tournaments at jupiter games in vestal new york usually around 100 players and yes sometimes u do draw progenitus with no way to brainsorm and it sucks but u can always pitch it to a force of will and another thing to look for is that u dotn need a creature in play to natural order if u have a fetch land u can search up dryad arbor endstep and sac that also they cant kill the creature in response to natural order its part of its casting cost

Posted 10 May 2012 at 03:17


I looked at the graffdigger's cage, and it would still stop you, because it says that creature cards cannot enter the battlefield from lgraveyards or libraries.
and players can't cast cards in graveyards or libraries

so it would stop you from getting the big uglies out.

Posted 11 January 2013 at 03:37


so, why daze instead of mana leak? because you can return an island instead of paying its normal cost?

Posted 10 May 2012 at 06:31


yeah its free it allows you to play spells and still be able to counter thats pretty huge especially when turns 1-3 r so important in legacy lots of unfair decks just flat out win in those turns

Posted 11 May 2012 at 01:42


Why not spell pierce then? This isn't landfall, and it does the same thing but doesn't male you have to return a land. Seeing as how you mostly play counters like that on you opponents turn, you won't be putting lands out anyway. Just a suggestion. :)

Posted 11 May 2012 at 17:16


u need to tap out and be able to counter and we played 3 spell pierce in the board but its not always wanted only when u need more counters like against decks that have many noncreature spells that affect board or combo decks like a.n.t.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 00:55


Ok, that makes sense.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:28


i would drop the counter top combo, and the jitte, to bring it down to 60

the maybe up daze and force to 4 each, and then you still have room for more counters like flusterstorm or spell pierce. or more search effects like ponder or green sun zenith.

cool deck though mate
maybe you could help me with mine?

Posted 02 November 2012 at 02:42
