I run standerd Elf over run things to think about would be. Throw some Garuks in, They make an easy win. And Pull the teeth out and throw in elixers
I am a huge elf deck guy take a look at the two decks i have up and ill have my newist one up asap But if you have the warcallers you MUST have Strength of (insert correct word here) places +1,+1 counters . you can easly make a few elfs in to a win with this combo. because its just the number of counters on the caller not the number placed by kicking
the deck NEEDS archdruids
The deck is founded on the idea that you make a large amount of elvs and then you either play a warcaller kicked as many times as you can or you have one in play and you use strength to place +1,+1 counters on a warcaller or warcallers. the butcher has the dual idea he can either be a win or a draw effect to get you 4 elvs for the end game
The side board is up to you . I keep this side board for mana flux