True, Sadly there isn't enough of "When you Scry do XYZ" triggers currently
I would almost run x4 of Knowledge and Power
What is the new M15 card that does that? and Fog sounds pretty killer
Yeah she only targets 8 of the lands in the list, Its still a work in progress!
Awesome deck, if you could I would like some feedback on my new brew GO BOOM! Control type deck, Suggestions welcome!
Yeah that is something that I thought about as well untill we hit about turn 3-4 we are kinda wide open, I thought about maybe adding some type of wall creature
Yeah I will have issues with Supreme verdict, There are a couple of cards I want to place into this build with M15
Would like some Sideboard help
Any decent enchantments you can think of?
That is awesome, I will update the list here in a second!
I'm looking for suggestions on my deck!
this is awesome man
Sick! thanks for the info!
This is standard but I'm sure I could find some walls
And add in?
Yea I may add those. and if I had the thrag tusks and restos I would run them. sadly. working with what I have
You add burn at the stake....and you win
More Venser, run Stonehorn Dignitary you win games with it check out my venser\tezz Esper Deck
I like this +1 check out my Unleashed Combo
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