Any help would be appreciated.
well now i have way to many cards who should i drop or add
Thanks everyone for the help I'll keep at it .
defiantly needs some help
still in progress any help would be great
yeah now when some douche drops a 5/5 dragon you and just ping him out of there and put some +1/+1s on trophy hunter
ever think about adding gorgon flail or basilisk collar to ping those big fliers
hahaha i do like that idea . thanks
LIL help please
lil help please
really could you use some help. deck works good but id like to speed it up a bit and maybe protect against exiles or burns
any help would be appreciated
any thoughts on some draw cards... browbeat or faithless looting? and i think koth would just slow down the deck
any help would be appreciated.
I'd put 4 memnites in there to bounce your glint hawks off of
Add 4 quest for the holy relic with some good boost equipment.
21-36 of 36 items