Yes, for the time being, I'm going to stick with M11. Thanks again for the helpful suggestions!
Thanks for the comments, ANON. As to a sideboard, yes, I'd been giving it a little thought. Mind Control seems a stronger choice than Act of Treason, despite Act of Treason's lower cost. Fling, Unsummon, and Reverberate are all excellent contenders as well. I actually had Reverberate main-decked for a time, but eventually noticed that I was never as thrilled to draw it as perhaps I should have been. However, Reverberate has phenomenal potential when sideboarded in against another control deck, since, in addition to the obvious synergies with direct damage, it can counter an opponent's counters by duplicating them! I'm glad you mentioned Clone; I hadn't thought about that. Clone might be the 4-drop creature I've been looking for, actually. The Gladiator can pick off weaker creatures with impunity, sure, but this deck does fine with that anyway, and a creature that keeps me at pace in terms of creatures with my opponent, like Clone, might be a safer choice. Also, the 1RRR cost of the Gladiator doesn't necessarily lend itself to multi-colored decks, especially when those decks use non-allied colors and the only dual lands in the set are for allied colors. I'll playtest that when I get the chance. Getting back to the sideboard, I'm considering moving Mana Leak to it. I mean, I know Mana Leak's awesome, but I tend to only want a counterspell with this deck when I'm facing an "end the game" spell like Overwhelming Stampede or Sleep, and those spells come later on the curve than where Mana Leak is optimized for. Cancel might actually be more appropriate (at least in limited). Flashfreeze is an obvious sideboard choice, as well, and probably Combust if the forecast calls for Baneslayer Angels. I'll think about it.
Hello, After a multi-year hiatus, I just started playing Magic again. I really wanted to just start fresh, so I sold all my old cards and started fresh with M11. I've been refining a UR deck limited to that set that I'd love a second opinion on if you've got the time: Cheers!