@opelak If grand abolisher is cast then you fog in response. I run this deck too (although I didn't post it till recently) and I quickly learned to mainboard beast within and sideboard autumns veil. Since RDW is not that much of a threat veil is a 1cc anti counter. You are correct that grand abolisher is a nuisance but there isnt a deck in magic that doesn't get shut down by a single card. Having answers is the answer though. Here's how most grand abolisher castings go for me Them: grand abolisher Response: fog (or similar) Them in response: mana leak (or similar) Response: autumn's veil only if you will take lethal this turn. Attack phase. Next turn: beast within t- grand abolisher So this is an example of how to take 5 top eights in a row at local's and to be prepared for ptq's :)
Hahaha dude put some Mortarpod in your deck. It's actually really hard to play around lol
Dragon's claw not Demon Horn*
Btw that was an understatement! Hahaha I beat BW tokens in the last match I played tonight. I let him beat me down to five life exactly while setting up and then clinging mist went to work. And then when I ran out of those BtA went to town gaining me about 60 life haha. By then it was too late for him. I had a LOT of trouble against B/R Delver though! I lost in two with no answers. I'm considering removing mental misstep and a surgical extraction from the SB for a playset of demon's horn :/ haha it's that bad. Any other suggestions than that?
This is so awesome lol. I was wondering though. Maybe it's just me but it seems like whenever I draw a sample hand I have serious issues drawing land. Is that ever a problem? Also you could show and tell turn two to drop your combo. Bit pricey buttttt so worth it Lmfao! And if not the combo oh well progenitus is in play.. Oops lol
I thank you. Originally when you suggested this I discounted it because I ran days of judgment. I came to realize I was just day'ing at sorcery speed to take care of one or two key threats when beast within does it better. So I streamlined took out white and added in blunt the assault for the two-fer! Runs smooth as hell. I'm open to a lot more side board versatility an essentially a sideboard transformation strategy. You think a Wearwolf flipping is cool. Check out a deck doin it haha
Haha I love turbo fog. I don't have many extended/legacy events where I play so I made a type 2 turbo fog tribute lmao
Well even if you just focused it more by leaning more to Burning Vengeance the Inquiry would help you. Draw three for one to get you more Vengeance (and his brother the Drawing engine.. can't remember the name, is coming out in DKA) and discard your flashback spells. It just means that some of the flash back spells would give hard cast value and some wouldn't. But it would speed you up. I suggest more permission if your not going for broke with the sphinx. And in that case you really don't need mana ramp so you can cut green out completely.
Right on. I guess the appeal for Moonmist is greater to me than you. Unless I'm playing a Wearwolf deck i actually run two moonies mainboard haha. Just for it's fog effect though. But then again my deck isn't aggro. I guess if I was playing you I'd side in timely's day of judgment and spellskite. Check mine out and tell me what you think. It's the bant turbo mill.
- 2 cultivate +2 rampant growth - 4 dream twist +4 Jace's erasure -2 Merfolk looter +2 consecrated sphinx I was gonna post this as a deck with your deck challenge but this is easier. :) Rampant growth is cheaper and 4 will activate pyromancer more consistently. Erasure is superior to dreamtwist and will activate for a whole lot of shenanigans with sphinx and inquiry combo (which is they draw three and discard three but in a four player game you draw 21 discard 3 and mill yourself with lab maniac out for the win). :)
Why not more Moonmist? Its so good lol. And immerwolf looks a tad anti synergistic with huntmaster. But he's the only one you want to transform once in a while I guess lol. I love this though I'm probably gonna take this as my reference lol
It's a second fog. The goal is to always have a fog effect in hand when needed to protect jace and life while passively drawing cards and milling. When dark ascension comes out clinging mist might replace it but it costs three which is actually relevant in some cases.