The -60 of them?
SB: 2 Armed // DangerousSB: 2 Burning-Tree EmissarySB: 2 Flesh // BloodSB: 2 Hero's DownfallSB: 2 Tormented HeroSB: 2 Treasured Find
I hate spamming, but would you mind helping me with my other deck that I just made, it is another Elf deck, and I need the help. Deck link: . I would love any suggestions you can send my way. Thanks, and this deck is quite amazing.
ah, nevermind. quick card search and i got it.
um, sorry, but what elixers?
My personal favorite cards are a tie between Iona, Light of Emeria versus any of my friends mono decks, or Immaculate Magistrate for the simple fact that it can ruin anyone's day with enough elves out. Or on the part of randomness, the B.F.M. monster cards are the funniest things I've ever seen, since the sheer amount of mana required to play them together to not have them sacrificed. haha
How do you only have 45 cards in this deck? 15 lands is enough for you? Other than that though GOD THIS DECK IS AMAZING! Wanna take a look at mine to see what I can fix? Especially if you can come up with some green removal...
Hey, just saying, I can see that I don't have any removal...would Eyeblight's Ending do me good in here at all?
its still going!! gosh its annoying. its keeping my Elves from Hell deck off the list atm... wanna look at it anyways?
Well, maybe I was wrong and I actually dropped this deck back down to 60 cards. This is starting to shape up into a decent deck. Thanks everybody for the comments. This is why I love this site, even if I've only been a member for like 5 days. So thanks again from the noob!
I am frightened of Light from Within, now that I look at it. Thanks for the tips!
Im actually taking a look into that right now. I am kinda digging WD40's comment under this
giving me something to think about. Well, i already had to choose between Avenging angel or Serra Ascendant. Im betting if I can get out a souls warden and then maybe an angel feather while i have him out there, i could get him to a 5/5 in a reasonable amount of time. and good point on the fact that many control cards send your cards to the top of your library.
ok, thanks, and the fact is i usually play casual decks, and am always fighting with myself to keep in specific cards, when if I had like 65 I could have that much better of a deck. The slowness is almost something I have adjusted to...and haha, I actually have one matches against a deck that isn't quite this intense, but it was so bad that they ran out of cards before I was halfway through my deck. haha and you really do make scary decks *hints at Pure Evil deck*
oops, forgot my final point, this is alot of mana...just have to put that out there again... (and can you have more than 60 cards in a deck?)
hey, I noticed that you make some of the most epic decks i have come across, and was wondering if you could possibly help me with one of my decks. I'm trying to stay as close to an angel theme as possible, and want another opinion. If not, its cool. Deck:
I'm gonna go half way for that one, only because it is alot harder to destroy an artifact than it is to kill a creature, at least with the people I usually play with.. But I do like the one drop addition
this will probably be the last time i do this for this deck at least, but can you guys take a look at this deck. I changed it since I first posted it, let me what you think? Any more suggestions are welcome thanks
this deck is frightening. i almost dont even want to look at your other decks again for the fact that they scare me...*shiver* SO. Much. Player. Damage....
you know you can add cards to the actual deck instead of just typing them? it gives more statistics for people to use to help judge the decks
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