Hey Paul ;) This is a sweet list. I played against a similar deck at my LGS that was essentially American Control w/ Monastery Mentor and Young Pyromancers. My good friend runs a pure American Control list with just collonade and resto as his finishers but I believe he's making it more creature-centric w/ wall of omens and adding kiki for combo. I think myth realized is really sweet and definitely a card to try and build around, the only concern is it has no built in evasion. Having played against Monastery Mentor I'm not a huge fan of the card in modern. I know dies to lightning bolt is a bad argument but the truth is you want to get value out of it. So if you jam it turn 3 it needs to survive a whole turn. In Delver I have to wait until turn 3 to play Young Pyromancer often in order to get value out of him and potentially turn 2 if I have a gitaxian probe. Mentor would then need to wait until turn 4 to get value out of, which I think is a turn you cannot be tapping out for as you want to be holding up mana to represent cryptic command. Here are my recommendations:-3 monastery mentor+2 Snapcaster mage -1 myth realized+1 land (could be tec edge) +1 cryptic commandI think think twice is a good flex slot and you could also try either A nticipate or Shadow of Doubt as well.
Yeah, my friend told me I need to tone down the bombs as well. Any good suggestions for low-cost creatures? Preferably ones that either fetch lands, or at least have useful ETB effects.
I think the best burn (even in modern if I'm not mistaken) deck would be three colour to warrant the inclusion of Boros Charm and Bump in the Night though? I got a lot of ideas from this Modern Burn Primer: http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=485910I actually got the exact same flash of insight about the no creatures in mainboard just the other day. I think it's a great idea. Because the Devils are an unfavourable match-up against aggro, jund, and "elfball" (green ramp) anyways (aggro can just trade with him, jund can use removal on it, and elfball can chumpblock). That I think if anything leave them out altogether? Maybe if he's Jund he'll take out a lot of removal, but it still is extremely unfavourable against aggro, or ramp strategies. Also not good against hexproof. Although boarding them in against control might not be a bad idea.But if anything I'd go with more removal in my mainboard, maybe just some pillars of flame. I can also throw in a couple barter in bloods. Mizzium mortars and act of treason are good too.
Can you explain the playset of Haunted Plate Mail? I run 1 copy in my UWR Control deck, but that's because I'm running Supreme Verdict, so it stays on the field after a board wipe.Also I would side in Pillar of Flame for Shock, and put in a couple Boros Charm.
Dude, I love this. Check out my Rats deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/jman571/decks/rats/My roommate refuses to play against it, haha.Consider playing Undying Evil to get more out of your Ravenous Rats and Drainpipe Vermin.
I really like this deck. Though I think adding in either Lightning Mauler or Rakdos Shred-Freak would make it even more aggressive. Perhaps instead of the Basilica Screecher and Splatter Thug. Cause if you have Legion Loyalist on the field they get first strike anyways.
Like the idea of using immortal servitude to return vexing devils to the field. I'm only running 2 devils, so perhaps it's not worth it in my case.
Interesting, this makes me want to put Curse of the Pierced Heart back into my deck if I get a couple more. Have you considered using Curse of Bloodletting instead as a killer 5-drop?
Hmm, this isn't control!