Hey I hate to be an asshole, but this was a top tier deck last set.... all that's different is your land base and noble hierarchic. Also, goblin guide.....
Quick suggestion. Drop journey to nowhere for quest for renewal. It would help you considerably.
Btw why the signal pest?? TukTuk, the explorer is kinda cool instead. And yea i understand the battle cry thing
You can't have goblins W/O raging goblin XD j/k i like it!
He could change like 10 cards and it would be standard. Also it would be better.
It's W/R sir. lol
Vamps don't work together. They're in it for the hunt. Any ideas sir? since you apparently know ur vamp. shit.
It's a standard deck. It is almost as fast as it can be in standard.
I like it!
You trying to say my vamp deck is bad??
They weren't when I posted.....
I would side the flame slash for lightning bolt. Also, instead of prey's vengeance groundswell?
I like your style!
not a fan of everflowing chalice, just throw in preordain, or jace's ingenuity. Also Gideon ftw....!!
True, but It's not a guarantee.
why shock? replace it with burst lightning. It will be standard then. Also Arc runner, and kiln fiend would help it a lot. Just some suggestions. Here's my chandra deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=155636
It's not necessary. Vamps gain life on their own, also kill creatures on their own.
kill the quest for gemblades and vines of vastwood. Put in fog and you need 4 llanowar elves so kill the adventure gear as well. it would look a lot better with that alone.
Good suggestions they can def. be put in my sb. it's just hard to take things and move them like that you know?
To bad it's not legal n/e more. This was my deck back in the day. so broken
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