
3 Decks, 33 Comments, 0 Reputation

I would definitely not switch the good fetches for the bad ones. That's just asking for every land you play to enter tapped. Not the best plan.

However, I would also keep in mind that you're running a landfall deck, and you're going to want to keep drawing lands as the game progresses. In a deck like this a land is almost as good as a spell. So running so many fetches can hurt you. Imagine an opening hand where all your lands are fetches, and you filter 8 lands out of the deck by turn 4. Not the best way to keep the lands moving.

I would definitely remove the flats and misty's in favor of basic lands.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 08:00 as a comment on Standard Landfall


Well this list was piloted at a 5K just after Worldwake's release and the results were plain not good. The Chandra is not in the list for fun burn tricks, she's a top shelf walker against control decks, especially the version of U/W control that was coming up at the time.

The deck loses flat out to Geopede and Vengvine Jund, probably does pretty well against mythic. The biggest issue with this deck today is the prevalence of Wall of Omens. The title characters in this show are the Bloodghasts who at the time made slower decks just cringe. Now they can bounce the bloodghast of a wall all day long. Same goes for the hellspark elementals.

Interestingly, my own responses to your reply have given me a few ideas to tweak the deck and maybe get something better out of the list....maybe ill work on it now.

Posted 03 June 2010 at 07:54 as a comment on My Take: Bloodquake


Some really bad card choices here.

Torch slinger is extremely inefficient and does not remove any relevant threats (and is also too slow to remove any mana dorks against mythic and such).

Raid bombardment is bad news here, too. It's a really terrible topdeck, and really pushes you to be over aggressive just to squeeze a few damage through.

There's definitely not any reason to run less than 3 Siege Gang Commanders in this list. Period. This shouldn't even be a question. Same goes for the Chieftains.

Check it out.... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=65144

Posted 02 June 2010 at 13:40 as a comment on Bushwacked


KooriTenshi would lose to banefire.

This is why people who are unfamiliar with the cards shouldn't comment =P

Posted 28 May 2010 at 14:39 as a comment on Damage Challenge


Also, as far as the mana base is concerned...

I would eliminate the Kabira Crossroads entirely and replace them and 2 of the plains with Arid Mesas, and maybe 3 of the other plains with Marsh Flats. I understand that they're expensive, but the thinning effect of having over 1/3 fetchlands can have a dramatic impact later in the game. You can always go the more budget route and have a few of the fetches be Evolving Wilds or terramorphics, but not all of them. the tempo loss form having that many ETBT lands is bad for a faster deck like this.

Posted 28 May 2010 at 14:37 as a comment on White Eldrazi Soldiers


Some pretty easy changes to be made here.

Journey to nowhere becomes Oblivion Ring. Same idea but for 1 mana more you can eliminate enemy planeswalkers/enchanments/Artifacts as well as creatures.

Guardian Seraph comes out entirely. It's frankly not as good as it seems, and you'd be better off with 3 instant speed removers both to bring the curve down and make better use of the 3 slots. Path to Exile is always nice as a 3 of.

If your only going to run 2 perimeter captains, and no Wall of Omens, don't bother running them at all. They don't work well with the pikemaster (no power = no need for first strike) and at 4 toughness they're generally capable of simply bouncing attackers off without too much worry of losing them.

If you lose the 2 Perimeter captains I would also suggest taking out the 2 Luminarch Ascensions and replacing the 4 slot there with 4 Wall of Omens. The walls are great on their own because they're fairly resilient to damage based removal, and of course the cantrip (drawing a card) is the best part. As far as I'm concerned, no deck running white as a primary color should go without a 4 pack of the walls.

I wouldn't bother too much with the Ranger of Eos in this list. You don't run any one drops that have a great impact on the board. In your list as it is 3 Rangers would only have 2 Elite Vanguard/Peri Captains to fetch. That's bad news, as odds are you'll run out of targets well before a long game ends, and thats exactly when his card advantage comes in the most handy.

I also don't see much value for the Kor Skyfishers in this list. I think you'd be much better served replacing them with 2 Repel the Darkness as an added amount of card draw/ffalter effect.

The game plan for this deck is pretty obvious, but remember that a turn 5 resolved Eldrazi Monument is absolutely essential for a list like this to work well, otherwise you can be forced to overextend heavily into big earthquakes and Day of Judgement.

Posted 28 May 2010 at 14:35 as a comment on White Eldrazi Soldiers


Definitely can not.

Posted 27 May 2010 at 07:55 as a comment on eldrazi


Couple of easy changes...Hada freeblades bceome Elite Vanguards, and I wouldnt really bother with flame slash. I ran it in my RW control and it was nice, but I dont know if I prefer it to burst lightnings.

Maybe run staggershocks in that slot instead?

Posted 19 May 2010 at 15:12 as a comment on Bushwacked Boros


Except you don't get the extra turn if you polymorph into Emrakul. Iona and Progenitus can win games just as easily.

Posted 12 May 2010 at 13:15 as a comment on Polymorph This


To make the landfall truly infinite you need to have a lotus cobra.

Tap 1 white for ghost, 1 blue for tideforce (tideforce untaps for free with landfall, but requires a blue to activate, which you can not get from whatever land you use to activate ghost) This means every time you use the combo, you'll have one land staying tapped, so obviously you can use the combo 4-5 times pretty easily, that's about it. If you splash for the cobra however, you can use the landfall from the cobra to produce the extra color and literally have an infinite landfall combo.

Posted 24 February 2010 at 13:02 as a comment on UW Landfall


This will definitely not work out well...for one thing...it's going to take 7 turns (that's an absolute minimum) with no land ramp to get a single valakut to do 3 dmg.
That's far too slow. Virtually every deck will have you either dead or wishing for it by that point.

Pyromancer ascension is terrible times 2.

Think through the math. You're going to have to blow through 4 cards before the ascension gives you anything at all...again, too slow. (for those who don't get it...You need the ascension, plus at least 3 instants or sorceries to get one copied)

Magma Phoenix is cool, but will be a 16 mana investment if you attempt to recover and replay him. Obviously too slow for too little effect.

The sphere and the Map need to go bye bye as well, with no way to play more than one land/turn filling your hand with lands cards is going to be bad news. 4 Chandra's is too many, drop down to 3, maybe even 2.

I think you really need to take a look at some established decklists. Green/Red Valakut ramp is a kind of fun deck to run, but after using it for 6 FNM's (in a store with serious competition) it doesn't make the cut.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 13:35 as a comment on Second try at standard


The Zendikar dual uncommon land is actually good enough to make it into most decks (Comes in tapped, but you gain one life) so there's an option until you get the rest. The only black spells I would consider for a mill deck for standard are Mind Funeral, Mind Shatter and Lilliana Vess.

Posted 14 February 2010 at 11:57 as a comment on Tilting With Windmills


Telemin Performance is a cool touch, but overcosted, especially if you consider how likely it is to only mill 2-3 cards and grab a lame 1-2 drop creature for 5.

I personally think mono-blue mill is the weakest version. Splashing black will give you access to Mind Funeral, splashing white will give you Path to Exile which is an hysterical combo w/ archive trap.

I would run something like

- 1 rite of replication
- 3 spell pierce
- 2 telemin performance
- 2 clone
- 4 island
-2 reliquary tower (this really does no good, worst case is you're drawing 3 cards/turn)

+ 4 mind funeral
+ 4 Creeping Tar Pit
+ 2 drowned catacomb
+ 1 Jace Beleren
+ 3 Negate

Posted 14 February 2010 at 11:07 as a comment on Tilting With Windmills


No win condition whatsoever.

You can't rely on clone mechanics like that to win the game, because you should be countering everything they play anyway. Ditch the Puca for Sphinx of Jwar Isle, and those Sower for Lullmage Mentor

Posted 05 February 2010 at 11:08 as a comment on counter (comment plz)


18 lands is WAY too low for a three color deck, you need closer to 24 with at least a good third of them being able to produce 2 colors, and at least 6 fetches.

Pick 9-12 key cards and run with 3 or 4 of each, not ones and two's.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 23:05 as a comment on my beat-down/ horde deck


Bad deck is bad.

Posted 03 February 2010 at 23:04 as a comment on my beat-down/ horde deck


Gave myself a +1 because I like the deck =P

Posted 29 January 2010 at 16:47 as a comment on My Take: Bloodquake


Just read your posts in the forums. Your land base doesn't seem right to me. I would definitely try to get closer to 24 lands (generally accepted as the best number) and you need to balance out your red and black sources a lot. You currently run 36 black/23 red symbols in the deck, meaning you should have about 2/3's black, 1 third red. You're running 18 black vs. 10 red...the easy solution +2 Mountain.

That alone should speed you up a ton.

I'm not too thrilled with seeing the nighthawks in this deck. Go creature-less. Those 3 slots are better used for the 2 mountains and a fourth terminate. I would definitely ditch the pyroclasms and just use earthquakes...hitting players is good too, as you're running a burn-style deck. That should also serve to speed you up.

Also, in that sideboard...get rid of those useless mire blights and put in 4 Thought Hemorrhage's. They are the best threat remover I know of.

Posted 28 January 2010 at 01:30 as a comment on Dreams of Discard


You can make this deck especially vicious by

- 1 Dragon's Claw
-4 Prodigal Pyromancer +4 Hellspark Elemental
-4 Lava Axe +3 Unstable Footing
-4 Fireball +3 Hells Thunder

Posted 27 January 2010 at 15:11 as a comment on Direct Damage


Bad for business. Deckbuilding 101:

You should have between 9 and say, 12 total spells/creatures/whatevers...not like 30...Pick your core cards you need to win the game, and use 3 or 4 of them.

Posted 27 January 2010 at 15:00 as a comment on Blue #1


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