Extract Brain is The Final 99th card
you should add"keening stone" it is a great mill although expensive.. you should look at actually my mill deck i think a few cards in it you would like...http://www.mtgvault.com/jjanator8678/decks/phenax-what-library-2/
plus i just built this deck i have not tried in an actually battle yet so it could get slaughtered
the reasons for that much removal is so that they dont have many creatures because this deck isn't very strong in power but your opponent can't stop just losing life with out a combat phase. you basically cycle your own creatures. and i forgot to add captains claws.. i actually was gonna put that in but i didn't actually have the card yet.other wise i would say put two in... as for the retreat the problem is to me at least is that it is to slow. these are cards i have currently except for drana.