Your standard deck also isn't pauper. Just saying.
Nice pauper deck, but I hate to break this to you. Oblivion Ring and Spore Cloud are considered uncommons. I know o-ring was printed in Lorwyn as a common, but the official classification is 'uncommon'. You can always look up the details on In order to make the sideboard pauper too, I'd suggest replacing those with putting in Holy Day (same as Fog, just 1 white instead of 1 green), and Frog Tongue (draw a card and it can give it reach).
eh, you might consider taking out more removal. Maybe take out 1 bolt and 1 terminate. Keep in mind that if you're drawing more cards with dark confidant, you'll be that much closer to drawing the removal spells.
I just realized. Since you're not going budget, any room for a few dark confidants? With 25 lands, you're average life loss would only be about 1 per turn. Soooo worth it for the extra card draw.
Pretty sweet deck. +1 from me. Obvious drawback is if they have graveyard hate. Also, if they chalice of the void for 2, then all your removal for it goes down the drain. You'll either have to leave 2 mana open or pray you get your maelstrom pulse. Still though, I can still see alternate win-cons with token over-run from pyromancer or ultimate-ing liliana. Nice deck, I really don't have any suggestions. Just be on the lookout for graveyard hate - nihil spellbomb, tormod's crypt, relic of progenitus, etc.
Nice tribal deck. Just a little concerned about the mana curve since you only run 19 lands. I know you have harabaz druid, but there's nothing else to produce you mana. You mentioned that you've been playing it for a while though, so do you rarely get mana-screwed? In any case, I might consider running some horizon canopy lands since they can draw you cards.
Now that you have access to goblin piledriver in modern, do you plan to update this deck? I know he won't make this deck budget anymore, but he is soooo good.
Yes, battlebrawler is great because of the +1/+0 buff, which only makes the first strike better than it already is.
I can see this as being a long, grindy match with so much discard and creature/land removal.
Very nice standard deck. And it's budget to boot! =)Have you played it much? Since, well, almost all of the cards will no longer be standard legal in a little over a month =|still, great job. +1!
Compared to your other pox decks, this one seems more solid with the current metas in modern right now. What do you think about outpost siege? it's great for filtering and "extra draw".
I think the land you're thinking of is minamo, school at water's edge.
iskavan mentioned it. mind funeral is great.
Pretty good tribal merfolk deck. Have you thought about kira, great glass-spinner? I think you need at least 2 of her. Definitely important against spot removal and it helps that she flies to protect you from lingering souls' annoying spirit tokens. Other than that, I don't have many more suggestions unless you want to replace some of the counterspells with spell pierce. Otherwise, solid deck.
I just checked out your sb. Now that you have access to black, how about 2 duress? Not only is it 1 mana, but its a giant middle finger to scapeshift, kiki-jiki, splinter twin, amulet of vigor, other collected company spells, any sort of board wipe (which would wreck most of your deck), burn spells, etc.
Interesting combination of decks, although I agree with your other comment about the non-combo creatures being abzan. What about noble heirarch instead of the birds (just for the exalted of course)? Also, tarmogoyfs? I know 4 nobles and 4 tarmos would probably break the bank and more than quadruple the cost of this deck, but hey. With modern masters 2 coming around the corner, the prices could drop considerably. I know they will still be pricey. Just something to consider. Thumbs up!
I would also take out some of the creatures since you're about burn. goblin guide is early pressure but only turns into a blocker when they get their creatures out. how about some shard volley and eidolon of the great revel? he'll hurt you, but you'll kill them much faster. also consider searing blood since it will both kill their creatures and do damage at the same time (plus you don't care about devotion since you are mono-red).
+1! Seems like a fast, aggro deck. But like you said, if they have Leyline of Sanctity, you'll have to rely on your creatures only. Plus, if they have Engineered Explosives for 1 or Chalice of the Void for 1, that would shut down your deck. Then again, those are usually sideboard cards. Plus they'd have to draw them. Still though, I like the low mana curve and super burn!!
Very nice. I can see how a turn 2 smallpox using urborg and flagstones and discarding bloodghast or lingering souls would slow them WAYYYYYYY down. Crazy combo there.You have a lot of removal. I might consider swapping out 1 thoughtseize for another liliana if you can afford it. thoughtseizes are almost useless late game, especially if liliana is forcing them to discard.
Wow. Expensive deck, but it looks like it could totally control your opponent. But you said it didn't do so well. I'll have to check out your other versions of it.
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