quite a lot of gate decks splash green for pulse and goyf. i can lend you some if you wanna try it out. this build uses choke aswell which is pretty strong; http://www.deckcheck.de/deck.php?id=20802
maybe sideboard against echoing decay and erradicate
with the amount of mana you're ramping you can get more exciting dudes than the basilisk, gladeheart and unicorn. try palakka wurm if you want life gain, or even something like protean hydra. you could really do with some avengers of zendikar.
try putting in urborg, tomb of yawgmoth. it'll make your cabal coffers count towards themselves, plus tap for black mana early game. the deck seems rather slow to get going due to the spells casting costs, so i'd advise packing more hand disruption, thoughtseize, inquisition of kozilek or blackmail for example. i'd also advise ditching the haunting echoes since it doesn't do anything for you.
good point. i meant to put in a blaze, must have forgotten
i love lich lord but unfortunately he's a hard card to work. the only real issue with the deck is that you have your zombies to beat down your opponent, but your primary win condition is mill.
yeah, that's kinda the worry. cheers, i was thinking about putting the dicard main deck, not sure how else to answer control. i'd probably ditch the grave pacts for a start, aside from that i've no idea what to replace.
i think you could do with some big fatty instead of the surrakar marauder since you're running so many fogs.
i've got a great respect for wizards, as do a lot of my friends. a friend of mine has just put an Azami edh deck together, can't wait to see it in action. voidmage prodigy is incredible. are you looking to play this legacy? aether vial, force of will and daze would make this insane.
great deck, i'm jealous of your entombs! innocent blood would be a good one for the mirror match. i'm also a fan of kalonian behemoth since its a 9/9 shroud and combo decks don't have blockers to stand in its way.
don't forget eerie procession :P
cool deck. loving the rout instead of wrath. i used to run a g/w control deck using eternal dragon and rout back when it was possible. i'd love to see teh red burn players tears during the game, haha.
i think you could do with some harrows
in ravnica the saprolings were baby treefolk. i agree, they should either make all treefolk plants or make the other guy produce saprolings!
love it! its a shame that a counter has to be removed to kick off the vanishing ability, or you could make all your creatures chronozoa with no vanishing counters on and take the pee, alas, it doesn't work that way :-(
-1 for the 5 of each urza land...and the family guy reference :P
battlewand oak or baru fist of krosa would be a nice addition
Rite of consumption with wall of blood, great idea. +1. you'd probably do better with consume spirit or essense drain that shadowfeed though, maybe even feast of flesh.
Sweet, all you need is for it to be your opponents turn first, have a gemstone caverns and flash-hulk in your hand...oh and a spirit guide. Great combo nonetheless, just not the most reliable turn 0. You are likely to win turn 1 htough :P Unfortunately as its been pointed out, its been slapped with an epic ban for that exact reason.
indestructible n00bs...that's one frightening concept. i like the idea of nissa's chosen paying the monument cost every turn.
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