Kiln Fiend Fling Attack

by Jigsaw19 on 30 August 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (7)

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Deck Description

Pretty fast deck, can win turn 3 or 4 with right pulls. Very cheap deck, cost less than $10. Comments always appreciated. Have blue in the sideboard for kiln fiend win instead of fling win. Also in sideboard is Zektar Shrine, which could be used to get out a 7/1 really quick, when using terramorphs and scalding tarns, which can be made unblockable, fling, etc. Let me know what you think. i would love comments, thinking about taking this to FNM

Deck Tags

  • Combo

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 22,265 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Kiln Fiend Fling Attack

Personally i don't like the ritual much and you need more land than 16 (at least that's all I can see in the main as of right now)... I'd go with between 22 and 24 or so. You also really don't need the blue at all in this deck. It's just basically pointless as I see it. Fine deck otherwise.

Posted 30 August 2010 at 16:00


whoops, forgot the other 4 mana, but yea, ill think about taking out some the rituals for some more mana. thought the ramp would help in the speed a bit, even though it's only one mana, it's an extra turns worth of mana. but thanks for the suggestion.

Posted 30 August 2010 at 16:17


You may want to try some reverberates. Being able to copy that fling the fling means copying the cost so you attack with you fiend, lightning bolt for 3, they then take 4 from the fiend the fling him for another 4 and reverberate the fling for an additional 4. 15 damage on turn 5 isn't bad...

Posted 30 August 2010 at 17:18


And...side boards are 15 cards. You don't want to got to an event with too big of a side board!

Posted 30 August 2010 at 17:19


FinaIpersona has deleted this comment.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 02:47


well i forgot how to count and didn't check my sideboard, ha ha. if i cast fling i have to sacrifice kiln fiend, so i wouldn't be able to copy and fling him again, since he has already been sacrificed. unless i'm mistaken .

Posted 30 August 2010 at 18:14


DanielN has deleted this comment.

Posted 12 August 2011 at 09:41


No you can copy it, it will deal the same number of damage, but without the need to sacrifice another creature.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 04:45


Exactly. When you copy something, you copy all the costs that was paid for it as well. Reverberating a Fling on a Kiln Fiend would be ridiculous.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 11:27


Warning: You won't get the +3/+0 from Fling, or from a reverberates copy. Or if you are coping Fling, it won't count reverberate.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 03:55


Just curious... how do you plan to play any blue spells in this deck? Nothing taps for blue mana...

Posted 31 August 2010 at 14:35


I don't see any blue spells...

Posted 02 September 2010 at 12:16


Did you see the sideboard?

Posted 03 September 2010 at 10:32


He is right.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 04:01


since fling says as an additional cost sac a creature, copying a spell will copy the cost, so it copies the sacrificed creatures power. The same is for spells with x mana, like fireball. Heres an example: you have 6 mountains, you tap 4 to fireball a creature for 3. If you reverberate your own spell, it makes an EXACT copy of the spell, so it copies its costs as well. So the copy then will do additional 3 to whatever new target you want!

Posted 02 September 2010 at 12:15


since this deck is so fast why dont you try Gratuitous Violence, its the same thing as fire servent, only its an enchantment.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 19:32


That's not anywhere close to Standard.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 03:57


"I see your playing standard. Why not just change formats?" - Every comment on this site

Posted 16 August 2011 at 19:24


Nice deck, I was looking for a way to use kiln fiends since I find them really fun

Posted 03 May 2011 at 22:39


Zamphira has deleted this comment.

Posted 03 May 2011 at 22:56


Would you like to double your damage?? Then come on down to BrianWW's Magic Store and buy Assault Strobe!!

Ok, so there's no store. But you need Assault Strobe... R for double strike + extra boost on the fiend? Even if you don't cast a single other spell it's swinging for 8! Toss in a Bull Rush and it's swinging for 18!! A Distortion Strike and that's game!

Also, Fire Servant is on the slow side for this deck... MAYBE sideboard for a life gain deck, but otherwise, I don't think you need that kind of firepower since by turn 5 they shouldn't have much life left. Consider Cunning Sparkmage or Prodigal Pyromancer? It'll boost Chandras and do a little damage/ or can be used as chump removal.

Posted 04 May 2011 at 02:27


I agree with Brian, I think assault strobe is important in this deck cause it doubles the damage every time. I think that you should get rid of pyretic ritual, add 2 lands, and add 2 more act of treasons. Otherwise the deck looks really solid, and I'm going to play this at FNM tommorow.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 14:49


Just to warn you, Fling doesn't add +3 to Kiln Fiend.

Posted 12 August 2011 at 04:10


just curious, but how does it not add +3? fiend clearly states instant or sorcery, he gets +3 and fling is an instant.....

Posted 15 August 2011 at 22:58


It's only if you are sacrificing him to it.
It has to be sacrificed before the spell is being cast.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 01:22


I play a deck very similar to this. Fling doesnt work as well as it does in your head. Try assault strobe with kiln fiend. I also Think you are going to burn out really fast. Try adding grim lavamancer to keep on burnin'!

Posted 13 August 2011 at 06:59


This decks needs Assault Strobes.
-2 Pyretic Ritual
-2 Act of Treason
+4 Assault Strobe
This deck is made of win.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 07:51


You could use immolating souleater, works good with fling, and assault strobe if you add it

Posted 13 August 2011 at 09:10


You should consider Phyrexian mana spells: you can boost the hell out of your fiend for no mana at all. :)

Gut Shot and Mutagenic Growth are the best two.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 09:40


Assault Strobe is definitely crucial.

I disagree with taking out Act of Treasons, because if your opponent only has one blocker (that you can't kill but can target) out and you want to smash with your insanely huge Kiln Fiend, Act of Treason will make that happen for you.

Take out the Fire Servants. They're too expensive and you can win just as easily without them.

- 2 Fire Servants
- 1 Pyretic Ritual
- 1 Flame Slash (since it can only target creatures)
+4 Assault Strobes

1 Assault Strobe and 1 Bull Rush on your Fiend unanswered could mean 18 damage, and with a 2nd main phase Fling for 9 - that's basically game for 3 mana.

I would also possibly consider Gut Shot(s) because they can beef without affecting your mana pool. I had reservations suggesting this because since everything in your deck is so cheap to cast, only doing one damage might not even be considered worth it with all of the other spells being more adaptive to the playing field. But!

- 4 Burst Lightning
+ 4 Gut shot

With the focal point of this deck being to beef and smash quickly, you are never going to play Burst Lighting with it's kicker cost - it would just be a waste of mana. Gut Shot can cost you a measly 2 life to beef your Kiln for that extra damage, and Burst Lightning is only doing 1 more damage. Gut Shot will take care of the majority of chump blockers, and honestly that extra beef for (basically) free could win you the game a turn earlier.

Also I would totally drop the blue in the sideboard. First of all, unless you're playing limited, you must include Islands as a part of your 15 card total sideboard. This would consume a huge chunk. As a mainly blue player, I feel for the desire to have Distortion Strikes (which would completely rule with a pumped double striking Kiln beast) and Preordains (one of the best cards ever printed IMO), but you would have to severely alter the basis of this deck to accommodate the blue splash. Taking out the blue cards would make room for those Burst Lightnings (if someone is playing a deck with a lot of 2-toughness blockers). I would also keep Leylines of Punishment in the SB for facing health-gaining white decks that love to play Safe Passage on turn 3.

I made a very similar deck a while ago if you want to check it out! It's basically the same but with different utility cards (and no Act of Treasons, I should probably change that lol)

Posted 13 August 2011 at 11:58


I've seen quite a few of these decks and they are fragile glass cannons, however when the cannon goes off........... BOOM!

Posted 13 August 2011 at 12:51


agnorak262, Fling works very well. I run a deck almost identical and fling has gotten me out of so many predicaments. On a side note assault strobe is necessary...well not really but highly recommended! Possible turn 3 win with that. having played ur kiln fiend on turn 2, cast two lightning bolts at any creatures the opponent might have put up, then cast the assault strobe and that's 20 dmg from ur kiln fiend

Posted 13 August 2011 at 13:09


I hate burn so much, and I hate people who play burn, but this, my friend, is insane. Seems almost unbeatable if you pull the right cards (I probably just jinxed it. There is no unbeatable magic deck.)

Anyway, if you're going to take this to FNM, you've only got a month or so before M11 goes out of standard. Otherwise, I'd consider switching cards out. Maybe Chandra's Phoenix instead of Chandra's spitfire? Just something to think about.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 16:17


what is the new set (if there is one) thats kicking m11 out? that is how it works right? check out my artifact deck

Posted 13 August 2011 at 17:49


Innisterd is kicking M11, Zendikar, World Wake, and Rise of the Eldrazi off.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 03:53


my friend has a sick jund deck thats like this except its based on mortis dogs+ritre of consumtion/fling. Basically he swings with mortis dogs and pumps it with giant growth/brute force then rite of consumtion or fling. I know its not standard but its still soooo fun =] Nice deck btw

Posted 15 August 2011 at 03:11


You really should add Mutagenic growth. It does wonders on Kiln Fiend. For the small price of 2 life, you basically give your Kiln Fiend +5/+2.
Here, check out my deck:

Posted 15 August 2011 at 03:52


And what is with the messed up blue sideboard? Add cards like Leyline of Punishment that would actually be useful. Maybe Crush to deal with non-creature artifacts.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 03:56


good deck add chandra the firebrand or naalar and its need better spells phyretic ritual is not that great replace it with something or add 2 act of treasons keep 2 phyretic rituals

Posted 15 August 2011 at 04:34


Assault Strobe ftw, that's what I use in my decks. That way, it's like 8x fling instead of 4x.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:29


Assault strobe and Mutagenic Growth. Keep fling also. Get rid of the bull rushes for the growth, it saves mana for other boost spells

Posted 16 August 2011 at 05:55


Also check out my "one hit wonder deck". Similar but with white and immolating souleaters also

Posted 16 August 2011 at 05:56


You see that group of people telling you to add Assault Strobe up there? Listen to them.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 00:03


Assault Strobe is fantastic. At best, double digits to the face. At very worst, forces a counter.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 23:28


wtf do you have preordain? Its in your sideboard and you have no blue mana, for a reason.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 05:59


clean up the sidebard and maybe replace the goblin tunneler with something a little more effective. otherwise, looks good.

Please check out my goblin deck!

Posted 23 August 2011 at 00:05
