they activate the battalion..did you even look at the deck..?
well after all it is R/W and it does feature the battalion ability, and has 4 boros guildgates, hmmm. nah idk it might not be Boros.
What do you mean?^
Thanks, haha i'm actually building it at the moment, maybe going to go to a tournament and see how far the deck can go lol.
And Hero of Bladehold isn't exactly good either.
You could probably take out the Aqueous Forms and Temple of Enlightenment and just make it W/G. The blue is unnecessary really and doesn't really add to the overall theme.
You could take out Legion Loyalist, considering that a 1/1 with trample wont really do much, and the fact there's nothing to boost him up other than Boros Charm but that will only have him do 2 damage.
What's the point of this deck?
Rather than using Boomerang you could replace it with an Unsummon which does almost the same exact thing. And with Deprive you can take that out and replace it with Counterspell, perhaps an Isotron Scepter would go nicely in this deck, you could copy Mana Leak and make the other player waste his mana basically every turn.
Nice job, 1 like from me.
Eh, kinda but there are many that would go good in this deck.
Too bad there are only 2 starfish ever made :(
Well actually 1/4s with scry haha, scry my whole deck if i wanted lol
Well since its W/B i guess i could add intangible virtues to make all my starfish, somewhat..useful haha.
Well i went out and bought most of the cards, it seems just like a screw around deck, but im trying to keep it manly starfish along with other ocean creature but the deck was centered around sigiled starfish
its just supposed to be a bunch of starfish as an army.
its not its just that sigiled starfish is adorable and i wanna make an army of him
Spectral Rider would have been good in this deck as well.
Thanks conman :)