Wash out... Maybe it finds a way in for kicks.Yeah, and trait doctoring, along with a bunch of other sorcery cards, was in the initial list, but got cut. This deck list went through some serious back and forth editing. I still don't consider it done.Also 100th comment.
Mass wipe! Great idea. I really had the blinders on when making this deck and was going straight for kill kill kill! A few mass wipes would make for some fun, especially if Ruhan becomes indestructible. I think we can make clearing the way for Ruhan fit into the theme.Web of War makes me feel eh. I mean I see what you are doing with it, its just not singing to me. I had never seen Retether before now. Thanks, I will be ordering that on my next TCG order. I definitely see a 100% Enchantment deck in my near future.Cathedral of War put me onto considering other non-creature exalted cards... Dang, Finest Hour would have been spectacular had it been color appropriate.Again thanks for the advice. I am going to look into re-working it now... well maybe tomorrow, its late.
So there are some artistic differences in our decks, and I won't go into that (I avoided the return to play a little more and I generally avoid tutor cards like rune scarred demon, and of course those damn dirty swords) because I imagine our play groups are different.Things I like that you added compared to mine:Power Matrix - flexible to hit different creatures and finding anyway to add trample is win.Anvil - great way to load up on fatties for Volrath, definitely A+Harvester of Souls - I need himUndertaker - great synergy!Oversold Cemetery - how on earth did I miss that? Will be getting that.Things I think should get squeezed in:More protection (hexproof, shroud, indestructible) equipment - Volrath is only viable if he is immune from bounce, pacify, vows, etc...Midnight Covenant and Shade's form - Look at all that mana, now let's put it to a very direct use.Reaping the Graves - I love this card because its an instant. Let your opponents have a lot of spells in some interaction, at the end of turn drop this bad boy and pull your entire graveyard back.If I were cutting things you included:Kitesail - there are better equipment out there Armilliary Sphere - there is already other ramp, and I have never been a fan of this cards speed (though a lot of people disagree with meDreamstone Hedron - because I added like eight cards and would have to make room, and its another card I feel helps get you to the more useful cards, when I just like to put in nice equipment, again, my opinion completely subjectiveCadaver Imp - you have it covered with like 14 other cards, his ability is redundant at that point and the +3 for Volrath is hardly worth it.I love your take on the deck. Other thoughts I have are that I still like Lily of the Dark Realms for the deck more than Vess, but I understand why you chose her. And for your deck, since you have more real reanimation than I did, I would put in Buried Alive. Its always a great touch before bringing all the creatures back from the GY!
I love this deck.I have been mulling it over for a while now, seeing how I could make it my own, but generally I like the way you have playing out here. Do you run it regularly, I'm curious if it goes off. I have wanted to do something similar to this and am working on a Damia deck that kicks out Biovisionaries like crazy. It needs a lot of work before it is getting posted though. There are a couple cards that I think might be fun. Cackling Counterpart seems to be missing. just another clone spell. And with the repeated turns, progenitor mimic could pump out some Biovisionaries.Oh and Helix Pinnacle for kicks. That way, even if nothing else is going your way, you can still use ramp to dump mana into a win.
No good reason. They were originally (bloghtsteel and darksteel), and make perfect sense, but in the end, they drew the short straw and got taken out. It that betrays was another one that could easily get slipped back into the deck. No really good reason, their lack of going to the graveyard was a factor, but not a huge one. That was my because my return to hand spells would not work on them, and sometimes I'll want to use a fatty twice. (Discard Draco to Volrath, return to my hand with disturbed burial, discard him again... Hahaha.)
Honestly the thing about the trolls is that I want to build my own version of a deck like this but instead of werewolves, make it troll tribal. Their regenerating is great for the fighting. I was not suggesting you add it because it would not work the werewolf angle.The darksteel and blightsteel are biggies that are indestructible. Stuffy's girlfriend Creepy doll. In addition to the Darksteel brute, there are darksteel gargoyle, juggernaut, myr, and sentinel. Indeed another way one could take this deck is to put all artifact creatures and toss a darksteel forge in the deck. Predator ooze is another great indestructible that would fit. And if you just like the idea of indestructible, but want to avoid laying out so many creatures that are not werewolves, That Which Was Taken is an alternative.Captive Flame and Ghitu War Cry are great general buffing spells. Greater Stone Spirit could also be helpful in this respect.Asceticism and molting skin could find a home to save some creature life.Now some wolfy goodness! Rot Wolf will allow you to distribute some infect damage with your spells. I would try to get some protection on it to keep it going, but arena with the rot wolf reads: "Tap, 3: put two -1/-1 counters on target creature."Like I said I was having trouble working within the werewolf theme. I like that you did. You may very well see a fightclub deck in the future on my list.
No one in my play group uses this site. I will link them to my decks occasionally to give them the card list, but that is as much as they are familiar. They are all standard / Limited players and very active at a local card shop where they get most of their deck building discussion going. And I think we are just such good deck builders, others cannot think of ways to improve on our decks.I rarely concern myself with that though, mostly due to the fact as discussed above, there are a lot of people on here who have an over inflated sense of self worth and feel it is their mission to either just point out what they see as mistakes (take some of the comments from my bird deck for example) or want to tell you how they would have built the deck(frequently what they consider the correct way). I like the page more for the fact that all my decks are easily shareable with a link, it shows the average cost, and if I build a deck list without the cards, I can easily order them through TCG.Also, if you have an Ipad, I was recently turned onto an app called Decked Builder. check it out. Spectacular deck building app. But now I am going to actually post about decks!!
I understand. It is the problem with any online forum. It is an obnoxious world. I value your opinions, you have given very helpful advice. But like you said, some people only post here to have people tell them how great they are. Honestly I started posting on here just because it was an easy way to send a deck list to my playgroup. The advice that I garner here has been very helpful to me because I was out of the game for over ten years. But I imagine, the me, from way back when I thought I was the hottest player since Brian Selden, would be just as offensive to critical assessments of my decks if I had the internet back then.It is one of the reasons I tend not to post on many decks. If I see a deck that blatantly has a hole or a banned card, I will mention it as politely as I can. Sometimes I will get a snarky reply, but I just unfollow the deck and let them wallow in their misguided sense of self worth. (My favorite is when I mention a banned card and they respond with "COMMANDER IS A CASUAL FORMAT! I CAN PUT IT IN THERE IF I WANT." To that I want to say, "so you knew it was banned, but did not think to make a note of the fact that your playgroup allows that card. Or perhaps you did not realize it was banned, and have gone on the defensive because you don't want to let anyone think you are a fool.)I would not let the obnoxious people bring you down. You know your game, you have unique insights, and a willingness to share it with your fellow players. If someone decides to be rude in response, it is no skin off your teeth. In helping them you have worked on your own card knowledge and reinforced your recognition of card synergies. When helping another player, your are doing drills to strengthen your own deck building abilities, in the same way that a tennis player works on their serve with specific drills. If other forum members have been rude in response to your personal insights, you still got something out of attempting to help them. And occasionally you may develop a good rapport with other players, as is the case with me. Restraining from making civil comments on a public forum makes the obnoxious to helpful ratio stronger, and the world needs far far fewer obnoxious people, especially on the internet.I appreciate your input and encourage you to not let the negative comments get under your skin, as difficult as that can be at times (a concept to which I am sympathetic).my two cents on the issue
Spearbreaker behemoth would fit right at home in this deck. So would mossbridge troll.Also I would consider adding some cards with lure and fight effects due to the survivability of so many of your creature. On that note, Arena is a cheap land that can serve as some creature removal given your creature base.I run a similar concept with my sigarda deck, all but a couple creatures are indestructible. It has a lot of cards that exploit that ability and many would work in this deck since you have a lot of creatures that don't like to die: pariah and Parrish's shield,indrik umbra, inquisitor's flail, dead iron sledge, etc...Good deck, have fun!
generally the smugness of this entire thread is obnoxious, however the post above this one made me laugh out loud
I am not sure what my goal will be. In September I am going to be playing the online tcg HEX when it releases. And I coach in the fall and spring, so that will take up time. I think my work is not done though. And with the commander release in November, I can't imagine I could stay away really. I mean, there are 523 legendary creatures... I have deck lists for 27 now... you know what... Challenge accepted.
Ok, I still have not brought home my notes. But I was looking at them this afternoon. Thornling, the Myojins, and trolls were the creatures I found. There were others, but I will need to remember my notes to write them out. Indestructible artifact creatures as well. I know the theme is werewolves, and I am having problems making that stronger. I was not a fan of the Avacyn block honestly. I am still working on making some work on that. (I really had a hard time pulling my mind away from the trolls and their regenerating.Contested Cliffs and Arena are lands that could find a home in your fight club deck. As well as Magus of the Arena.I'll have others, but thats what I remember, off the top of my head.
Wow, yeah that sucks man. TCG for the win as far as I am concerned. I have not had a devoted store since I quit a while back. But I can imagine how infuriating that would be.
officially in the edh rules there is no change to the poison rules, so it is ten. However a lot of groups raise it because a group of 4 people could potentially get a lot of poison counters.
Great advice,It depends on how much playing I decide to put into the deck on the crucible. It is a card worth having. My RWG deck was heavy land as well, so it stands to reason.Walking atlas and explorers scope are definitely in. I blood clock and umbilicus are great plays as well. Also the cycling is a nice touch as well. I considered pilgrims eye and journeyer's kite but in the end did not go with them because of the low basic land count. But after reconsidering it, they would be good to be sure I got some snow lands up for particular cards.Trail blazer is good, and fits the theme well(and you know how I love a well themed deck), but part of me wants to just make it a whispersilk cloak.I am a big fan of the urborg combos. Especially when mixed with cabal coffers. But I am not feeling it for this deck.I saw your deck earlier and actually made a couple notes on it and your Edric deck, but I left them at work. I will post them tomorrow. Hopefully I can work on editing this deck and xira then too, but it is crazy late. I am working on polishing my colorless and 5color decks, then I will have a complete set of commander decks for all color possibilities.
Ok another go at it. I really feel that this is not the sapling's strongest deck. Her ability costs you life 7 times, gains you life 6, and nets you a card at no life change 20. It just seems like the deck isn't built for her.No to the sisters I can understand, she is late game, and that is a lot of mana investment. I suggest glissa instead then. She can pull some creatures out of the graveyard for you, she is a great blocker for defense. She probably won't be targeted much, and with all the poison you will be spitting around, her ability will definitely trigger.Like I said, I love sapling, my BG commander deck runs her. I just don't think you are getting your mana's worth.
Ok, so it's late, bare with me.First, I love sapling. One of my favorite legends and commanders. However, for this deck if you can get a sisters of stone death, I think she will work better. She can attack and pull all the blockers so your infect damage gets to the players. She is mana heavy so it's a toss up.I would consider a rogues passage as you have a lot of beefy guys and you want to be able to get them through.I like the deck overall. I'm not sure about consuming vapors, it seems like there could be some other things that could fill that spot. Personally I am a fan of serpent generator. It's older but it is not expensive. It serves as an emergency blocker producer, and just some extra infecting creatures, with your deck's creature pumping power, they could end up deadly.Nice deck man.
No problem snake. It is a great card in other formats! It's practically a free lobotomy in the right deck. Almost makes me miss playing non-commander formats.And I like crumbling ashes a ton! That's some fun stuff. I'm not as sold on the maggot, p though in a commander game he would add some fun chaos. I might look at adding him to my xira deck
A lot of groups (mine included) raise the poison count in commander to a higher number. We play 16 if I remember correctly.
I actually made that addition immediately after looking up the card. I did not play during the Lorwyn blocks and don't know those cards. I am going to go back and see where else I can use this card. It's got shenanigans written all over it!
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