Haha that deck looks like fun! :P And thanks :) I like it when I hear I've made a good deck. This one does work pretty good, and I love pauper! :D
I haven't been in any tournaments, and I probably wouldn't with a deck like this. I'm a very casual player, so its not so vital, and for what I use it for, its fine. But thanks for the suggestion. :)
awesome :) thanks.
Yeah, it is a problem, and it has lost me a few games, but often I have just won through sheer numbers. I shall defs look into Spreading Seas though.
It's a LOT of fun. Good to make decks for :) It's less about those totally awesome/powerful cards and more about strategy. I love it. :) Check out my other one- White Artifact. I'm about to put it up!
Yeah :) Exactly the same as normal, except ONLY common cards. The website says: "Pauper Magic (or Pauper Deck Challenge) is a format of Magic: the Gathering in which only commons are legal. This restriction may be applied to existing formats like Classic or Standard." There is some good stuff here :) http://pdcmagic.com/
hahahahahahhaahhaahaha xD I WANT!!!!!!!!!!