Goblin Death

by Jessie on 22 November 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (14 cards)

Creatures (2)

Sorceries (4)

Instants (4)

Artifacts (4)

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Deck Description

"All bark, someone else's bite."

Lackey is the power house. So is Instigator. Unblocked Lackey equals putting out any one of my Goblins into play. An Instigator unblocked equals 2 goblin cards into play.

*Special note on Warren Instigator. If he inflicts combat damage on the opponent you get to put 2 goblin cards from your hand into play. You pick your first Goblin Card and put into play. You play Goblin Chieftain. Chieftain gives your goblins +1/+1. Warren Instigator is now a 2/2 creature hitting in his second strike. You now get to put another creature into play from your hand!!

Goblin Ringleader when your hand depletes. It replenishes your hands with Goblins. Attack with an Warren Instigator. He deals combat damage. You get to pick two goblins in your hand and put them in play. First play Goblin Ringleader. You then get to draw 4 cards and put any one of them (if they are Goblins) into play as your second goblin card to put into play, and the rest of the 4 cards (if they are Goblins) into your hand.

Goblin Recruiter/Goblin Ringleader is nice together. Try to quickly use this combo with Goblin Recruiter being put on the table via an unblocked Lackey or Instigator attack and then pay the mana to bring out Goblin Ringleader. Check it out.

Lightning Bolts/War Strike/Chain Lightning for direct damage fun. Hopefully they will kill any creatures trying to block Lackey and Instigator.

How to Play


Idea is to get in a Lackey or Instigator. Lots of Goblin decks run this idea.
They are easy to remove...but still a threat. That is a sign of a good card if your opponent must try to remove them asap.

I have Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt to try and remove their chump blockers.

I have Recruiter and Ringleader for speed and supply of Goblins (not using tokens).

Have Chieftain in my deck over Warchief. Yeah, let the debate start. I like Chieftain because it quickens interaction with Lackey/Instigator and pulling out the higher mana power houses.

Powerhouses are Siege Command and Krenko. They cost a hell of a lot of mana for a goblin deck. But the idea is to not have to play their mana cost via Lackey/Instigator.

Deck Tags

  • 3rd turn
  • Advice
  • Goblin

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 2,544 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Goblin Death

I need advice guys! Should I add Trumpet Blast? Goblin Warchief? Gempalm Incinerator?

Posted 22 November 2013 at 10:53


legion loyalist cant go wrong i run them in my goblins

Posted 27 November 2013 at 11:04


Very nice card! What do I take out or reduce in Number?

Posted 27 November 2013 at 11:07


i wouldnt run tarfire you could side board them look at my goblins

Posted 27 November 2013 at 11:10


Tarfire was suggested to me because of Goblin Ringleader. When he comes into play I look at the top 4 cards of my library and if they are goblin cards I put them in my hand. Tarfire is a Shock that counts as a Goblin. Ringleader is what helps me keep cards in my hands.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 11:14


O didnt realize that i would reduce the 3 mana cost creatures then. try a valakut, the molten pinnacle run 2 in your land in case of mana log it turns the extra lands to bolts

Posted 27 November 2013 at 11:23


Take a strong look at gempalm incinerator draw for 2 plus another that deals dmg in # of goblins you control

Posted 05 March 2014 at 00:21


Give good advice on any of my decks and I will try to return the favor.

Posted 22 November 2013 at 10:54


Well, in your second way of killing an opponent, you don't have 2 Combat Phase in a turn. You can't attack with lackey, and then attack with Warren Investigator, you need to wait the next turn.

Posted 23 November 2013 at 00:07


This whole thing is confusing me a little can you elaborate upon it lol

Posted 23 November 2013 at 03:04


Turn 2.
1) Play Mountain, and tap 2 mountains. Play Warren Instigator for two Red mana.
2) Tap Lackey bringing in Goblin Chieftain. Warren Instigator gets haste. Attacks and brings in Siege Gang Commander and Krenko.
3) Tap Krenko bringing in 8 2/2 Goblins.
4) Attack with 12 2/2 Goblins and 1 3/3 Goblin.

There is a mistake on 2), by Tapping Lackey you meant attacking right? and bringing Goblin Chieftain. But, at the time you did it, the Combat Phase has ended, and Warren Instigator cannot attack, even it has haste, so you can't bring Siege Gang and Krenko.

Posted 23 November 2013 at 03:15


Also you cannot attack with the 12 2/2 Goblins since the Combat Phase is already over and you had already declared that Lackey is the only attacker. (by tapping it). So you would need to get it at turn 3.

Posted 23 November 2013 at 03:17


So...if my second way of killing does not work...does my 1st example even work? Probably not. I am confused. lol

Posted 23 November 2013 at 09:53


Calm down haha, just what I'm trying to say is that, you cannot attack more than once in a turn, what you did was : Attack with Lackey, bring some goblins, attack with Warren, bring another goblins, then attack with a lot of goblins, Your idea works, but it needs an extra turn, but you can do that 27 Damage I think in turn 3! :D

Posted 23 November 2013 at 16:43


What is you idea on this: Taking out Two Siege Commanders and the Four Bushwhackers for Four Skirk prospector and two Gempalm Incinerator?

Posted 23 November 2013 at 21:41


The Siege Commander is good, but a Playset of it seem's unnecessary, 2 is optimal, Brushwhackers is not good, there are better cards around, like Gempalm Incinerator, gives you Card Advantage and also a removal.

Posted 24 November 2013 at 03:48


Put in the Gempalms. What would I add if I took out the Sieges? Which I agree...with recruiters and ringleaders...running 4 Sieges isn't absolutely necessary.

Posted 24 November 2013 at 05:19


Running a Playset of Sieges is too much, it costs 5 mana, he is mostly an End Game Creature, that if hits the board, is most likely you to wipe the opponents board and swing for the win. 2 Sieges Commander and 3 Gempalm

Posted 27 November 2013 at 18:59


After a look a your library, I think that what you need is card draw and mana speed. The card draw can be found in 'Skullclamp' and speed, I highly recommend 'Rite of Flame'
Also, Goblin Guide (I´ve played a few tourneys with him) is an absolute atom bomb. A t1 Mountain, Rite of Flame and two Guides. 4 Damage and possibly 2 milled cards, or you get to know what your opponent will possess the coming turns, can´t beat that.

If you´re tired of waiting a turn or two for your gobbah´s to gain Haste, then 'Burst of Speed' is an OK replacement, I´d go for 'Reckless Charge' though, even if it´s only one critter, for the buff =)

If you need a counter to, for example, a 'Disfigure' then 'Brute Force' is a house, trust me :)

All in all you´ve got a good solid frame for a Gobbah, and honestly I wouldn´t know what to cut...

Another good add is x4 'Tarfire' since it combos with the Ringleader.

Good luck and cheers, dude

Posted 25 November 2013 at 23:29


Hello, you called me to help on this deck.
Please note that I am very good at tweaking casual and multiplayer decks, especially in keeping the original idea alive and building on it. But although I have lots of tournament exprience, most of that knowledge is outdated since I stopped playing tournament and league games many years ago. This deck seems to be more on the competitive side of things, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I might not be the right authority for this one. But feel free to call me in on other decks.


Yes, this deck is also singleminded, but in this case that is a good thing - everything else would just make it too slow to work.

You had Chain Lightning in it initially - where is it gone? I think you might have replaced it with Tarfire which is nice with the Ringleader, but remember what you said about Lackey and Insitgator, they are the main threat and it is crucial to remove blockers in order to be able to put the Ringleader into play in the first place. So I think Chain Lightning is better than Tar Fire here, that extra damage might save you the game when the opponent puts out an early toughness-3-blocker.

In the same train of thought you *might* consider Fireblast to kill off a toughness-4-guy and/or a second blocker on turn two or any blocker the same turn you play the Instigator. Yes, it ruins your mana base. But if you have a Lackey/Instigator, you'll cast your stuff for free. Risky move and I don't know what to cut, but I wanted you to consider this option.

In the case Goblin Recruiter turns out to be too slow you might consider Goblin Piledriver.

All of this assumes this is geared for 1-on1 games. If that's not the case, please tell me and I'll start all over ;)

Posted 27 November 2013 at 13:26


Forgot about Goblin Wizard. Classic. Added 2 of him. He taps to add in any goblin card.

Posted 01 December 2013 at 20:07


Please guys. Tell me what you think. This deck or my second goblin deck:


I have enough money to buy one of the decks.

Give advice and help and I will do the same on one of your decks.

Posted 02 December 2013 at 08:51


Going to run Mock trials with each of my Goblin decks. See which one does the most damage (assuming, and being dumb, that the opponent plays no spells against me in 5 turns) at the end of turn 5.

Okay. First 3 sample games were played. This is the results so far.

Goblin Death, 1. Deck number 1.
First 3 games were as followed:
Game 1=36 damage. Game 2=19 damage. Game 3=38 damage.
Total damage=93
Two wins by the end of turn 5.

Goblin Death, 2. Deck number 2.
First 3 games were as followed:
Game 1=29 damage. Game 2=14 damage. Game 3=8 damage.
Total damage=51
One win by the end of turn 5.

As you can see so far, Goblin Death, 1. Deck number 1 is doing better.

Posted 02 December 2013 at 09:00


its a cool deck. i just feel like you should put some combos with the goblin grenade like mogg fanatic and everyone is forgetting about mogg maniac.

tell me what you think. diffently adding goblin wizard.

Posted 13 December 2013 at 05:41


Mogg Fanatic lost his powers when they changed the rules. You use to be able to block a creature with him, and then sac him to do damage also. Now you have to choose. You can't do both. It makes him weaker.

And Mogg Maniac is often overlooked. But he does not work with Goblin Grenade...i do not think, because you are sacking him to do 5 damage, for the Grenade...so he does not do 10 damage for one Grenade.

However, add something like Skirk Fire Marshal with Mogg Maniac...and he is deadly!

Posted 13 December 2013 at 19:51


Mogg maniac will not combo with it because its not damage

Posted 16 December 2013 at 22:48


i know, im just saying when people make goblin decks they forget about mogg maniac

Posted 16 December 2013 at 23:32


I'd suggest taking out both Goblin Wizards for another Goblin Recruiter and another Goblin Ringleader. Nice deck!!!

Posted 14 February 2014 at 20:41


Also, you should take out Chain Lightning for Tarfire so you can get it with Goblin Recruiter and Goblin Ringleader.

Posted 14 February 2014 at 20:43


Yep, Blackfire Phoenix suggested the same thing. Maybe I will. I think, like Puschkin, that Chain Lightning is better at killing opponent's creatures so that Lackey and Instigator can be unblocked. Thanks for the good advice though. Tarfire is an awesome card with Recruiter/Ringleader. Good call there!

Posted 14 February 2014 at 20:50


No problem!

Posted 14 February 2014 at 20:55


AHHHH! You rock a goblin deck :). It was my first tribal back when I started in 5th edition. I still can't get it it work properly for me but I will never take it apart.

I have tried Marton Stormgald but I find he is just to slow/vulnerable, but when he works he tends to work quite well.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 08:06


Goblin recruiter is a banned card for any format!

Posted 28 June 2014 at 06:23


Ugh? It's legal in Vintage and Commander.

Posted 28 June 2014 at 08:55
