I would get rid of the Howling Banshees and the Onyx Goblets. In exchange for some Terminates and and Vampire Lacerators. Terminate is beautiful removal and the vampires I think work pretty well here. The Goblets and Banshees just don't seem worth their cost to me.
Doom Blade instead of assassinate or consume Spirit? And maybe a scarblade assassin? Seems like it would do well in this deck.
I suppose it wouldn't be in theme, but what about etherium sculptor?
Incendiary Command? Maybe trade for the blazes? Also I really like Yuki-Onna, with the recent popularity of artifacts.
I was planning on putting the terminates out when the new set gets released (replacing for the incinerates). I think I'd see some mana burn from Seething Song, and Rite of Flame seems like it wouldn't really pay off that much unless I get two or three of them. Thanks for the suggestions. The Goblin Assault/Dragon Fodder/Grave Pact was the cheapest way I could think of to make my opponent pay for my sacrifice. Cheap because I already own the Grave Pacts and Dragon Fodders, and Goblin Assaults are too pricey. What do you think of replacing the Liliana Vess's with Blood Speakers? Thanks a lot for the advice, I only started playing a little over a year ago so this was my first try building a deck that included things that weren't from Lorwyn up or tenth ed.