apologies, i dodnt know how i overlooked pariah shield. never mind bout the potential tie games. specially with stuffy doll. 2 thumbs up for a brilliant concept
I really like the concept behind the deck. Only thing you gotta be careful about is the hive mind. if your burning your opponent for 20 theyre using the same spell you are so it could cause draws but deffinately a fun concept. please check out my deck based off the izzet guild. hostility+djinn illuminatus and lightning bolts!!!! :D http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=143089
sliver overlord+ ameboid changling. is always good in a sliver deck. turn thier creatures into slivers and take them! also. wild pair is amazing in any deck but slivers especially.
Personally, I favor too many of the older goblins to keep mine standard, also it's the first deck I ever made, when I first started in '03. Take a look at my goblin deck. I dont buy a lot of cards, so I don't have all the "necessities" like goblin guide, but it's a very good deck.
did you put U in just for Lich Lord an the equipment?
crush of worms is always nice. 6GGG put 3 6/6 wurms into play and it has flashback for 9GGG.