I have also considered Venser's Journal for life gain. It would really help once I start drawing cards like crazy.
Very cool suggestions. I especially like the goblin which has a cool combo with birds of paradise as well since they will both untap after Quest for Renewal. Both gain life cards would be great in this deck. I especially like Spirit Loop. I agree that Viashino Fangtail is a bit expensive and only kept him in this deck as a blocker. Another huge weakness of this deck; no blockers. But if i had either way available to gain life then I wouldn't really need to block. Another excellent thing about these suggestions, they will actually bring my mana curve down in a deck that already is inconceivably inexpensive to cast. I am actually working on a white deck that taps to prevent or redirect damage. Featuring Wojek Apothecary. Not as much fun as this deck but it would be an interesting match. I am totally looking forward to playing with you again.
I really like this deck. I actually have a red green deck that is very similar to this and usually dominates when I play with my friends. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=153871 Another thing i really like about your decks is that you keep the cost down. I also try to keep the cost of a deck to $20 or $30.
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I am pretty sure that in response to Blinding Mage tapping my creature I can activate its ability to kill that guy. This guy Personal Incarnation just seems really dangerous. you lose half of your life if i tap to kill him. your protection from red stuff would really piss me off though. Check out the white version of my genocide guy. Wojek Apothecary. totally a sweet card. those redirect 1 damage things could really kill me too. if i use the genocide and for 1 you redirect one damage to red I lose everything. Maybe you can find some creatures that already have protection from red instead of having to enchant them. another strategy i used when making a deck that would beat my tap deck was enchantments that turn into creatures and back into enchantments at will. basically cant be killed. Do you actually have this deck? I would love to play against it.
Check out Elvish Harbinger. If you champion it with Wren's Run Packmaster then when it comes back into play, you get to use its ability again. Also it can tap for one mana of any color so it could replace Wood Elves.