Buried Ruin might be a good add too, to bring back your Wurmcoils and Metamorphs.
I'd also replace the Adaptive Automotons with Treasure Mage and perhaps replace the Dragons with a couple Steel Hellkite for more control.
I'd throw in Negate to prevent board wipes. That seems to be the main weakness of an aggro deck like this.
It won't save them. The "sacrifice this creature" effect goes on the stack as soon as they're targeted. It doesn't matter if the spell is countered.
Spellskite doesn't protect your illusions and could possibly be sideboarded unless up against straight burn.
Proliferate and card draw would be strong in this deck. Any suggestions on what to take out though?
Yeah, I'll be swapping in Titanic Growth for sure. Thanks.
Add Withstand Death to protect your golems.
Add Rite of Replication for Precursor hilarity.
I'd throw in Chimeric Mass to replace those spellbombs. It's another zero drop if you need it, or it can be a creature that can withstand board wipes. Devestating Summons is another card you should look into to help with a quick win.
Really like the deck. I'd add more control with blue in the form of scry and counters. In my multiplayer circle, a lot of these cards are going to be hated on, so you need ways to protect them.
Jacob's column was definitely the inspiration for this deck. While his is undoubtedly better, I tried to keep mine even more budget oriented, and use the cards I have available.
It might have to do with the fact this deck was posted in Aug 2009 and hasn't been updated since.
After playing this deck a bit now, the mana accel seems really unnecessary. I geared mine for standard with semblance anvil (and also tried chalice). With so many low cast creatures and spells, they didn't help much. I'd rather have corpse cur or more removal at this point. Gonna get more play in tonight and see how well it does sans the extra mana boosters.
No, creatures don't "double dip" from abilities like Bosk Bannerett. It's 1 less, even if they share both types.
Grindstone + Painter's Servant. No legacy mill is complete without it. I doubt you'll ever see Dralnu or Nemesis hit the field. The match should be over by the time you have enough mana to cast them.
Any room for Splinter Twin or Mimic Vat in this one?
Rite of Consumption might be another good win condition if you can't get a Lightning Greaves in your starting hand.
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