
1 Deck, 24 Comments, 5 Reputation

Just realized you have Crucible of Worlds in side-board. Sorry. Missed that before.

Posted 02 March 2021 at 17:36 in reply to #640721 on NONVIOLENCE


I think the Dryad provides a blocker where Rites of Flourishing does not. Not to mention, Rites of Flourishing also gives your opponents extra draws and extra land drops; I don't like helping out my opponent at all ;-). My initial deck started off very similar to yours, but evolved over the past few years. Uro was expensive as was Primeval Titan, but well worth it. I finally feel like my deck is where I want it to be. I'm sure you'll find certain things you LOVE about your deck and will make it your own. Also consider things like Life from the Loam, Cruible of Worlds, or Ramunap Excavator to sideboard for when someone trashes your lands.

Posted 02 March 2021 at 17:06 in reply to #640721 on NONVIOLENCE


I love the plan. Maze's End to me has always been enticing. I would suggest ways to speed up the way you get your lands out; Maybe Dryad of the Ilysian Grove? I have a similar deck. https://www.mtgvault.com/jbump75/decks/uro-mazing/ I'll keep an eye on the comments you receive, maybe my deck can be improved too!

Posted 02 March 2021 at 16:08 as a comment on NONVIOLENCE
