W/U aggro

by Jayden_Cruickshank1 on 16 November 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (4)

Instants (5)

Artifacts (4)

Land (2)

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Deck Description


This is a fairly fast aggressive deck. It should win by turn 5 and can win turn 4. This deck is almost finished but still needs some working, so if you have any suggestions they would help me alot, thx :-)

Update 4/12/11
Swapped Champion of the Parish for Doomed Travelers because I realize how valuable he is after Day of Judgment.
Swapped a Hero for a plains because cause she is too easily killed and also I wasn't drawing enough lands.
Swapped Sword of War and Peace for 2 Honor of the pure because the sword slows me down too much.

Deck Tags

  • Aggro

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 28,679 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for W/U aggro

i'm for it. my only suggestion might be to replace the ghost quarter w/ moorland haunt. it gives all your creatures double value + evasion when they come back, plus you can activate the ability at the end of an opponent's turn to swing next rnd, equipped and lethal.


Posted 17 November 2011 at 01:52


Mabey, I'm not a big fan of Moorland Haunt. Plus Ghost Quarter is good against Inkmoth Nexus and Wolf Run decks. Thx for the suggestion tho.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 02:09


Cool. However, when control starts DoJ'ing your creatures and making you sacrifice them (working around the hexproof), it'd be nice to have creatures to put your equipment and destiny's on rather than stalling out.

To each his own, though. I still like this deck a lot ;)

Posted 17 November 2011 at 02:58


Yeah, your right. I replaced a plains and an island for 2 Moorland Haunt.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 03:08


Nice deck,
Timely Reinforcements would be great, I would t least SB it.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 02:22


Timely Reinforcements is a good card for versing aggro decks like this one. It sucks in this deck cause I'll usually have more creatures and more life that the opponent.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 02:52


This is a nice deck. Looks AWFULLY familiar tho... :)

You are going to want another haunt though. Trust me. It sucks to put out a creature and have it countered. It doesn't suck so much when you can bring it back as a 1/1 flyer as an instant ability at the end of the opponents turn, so it's ready to equip and attack on your turn. Or just throw up a 1/1 blocker as a nice surprise.

And honestly, this deck runs fine with 3 dagger's. 4 was too many for me. They are nice to have around, but you dont need 1 over another o-ring or swiftfoot.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 03:55


Yeah I added in a 3rd haunt. Thx for the advice. And like I said, this deck was inspired by yours.

Posted 17 November 2011 at 04:41


go for 4 haunts, you want to draw one every game

Posted 09 December 2011 at 07:29


Not really. I'm not relying on the Haunts as a win con. They're just in there for versing control and burn. If I added another haunt, then I would draw them too often and it sometimes wouldn't allow me to play a t2 Grand abolisher. I also don't want to draw more than 1 in a game, because then it starts to become a dead draw and I might not be able to play a crusader or geist on t3.

Posted 09 December 2011 at 07:59


Here my sugestion cause I have 2 humans deck I know my way around them pretty well I would say take out 2 daggers and put 2 feast/famines 3 elite inquisitors I would in take out 1 boos 1 angelic destiny and -1 plains it only needs 23 and 3 elites in main not sb this way u have 2 open slots for ur sb and add. Mimic vats in ur sb this way u can exile all there creature and play them and what blade splicer 3 cvm for 2 and he's a human he's legit in the deck

Posted 17 November 2011 at 04:35


i agree, also grand abolisher is nice in main board if he gets out is a nuisance for everyone

Posted 17 November 2011 at 11:00


Your only one drop is 3 silver inlaid dagger, this means that about one in three games you are going to play a non land card on turn 1, i advise finding room for at the very least four more 1 drops. The best options that i can find are another dagger, Phantasmal Bear, Elite Vanguard, Doomed Traveler and Champion of the Parish.

To find room, you need 2 less land and you have too many cmc 3s, you have to lose a few and this seems like a good time (yes they are all awesome but you really need to lose some). I don't know which ones it should be but i would suggest that one be o-ring 'cause the other options are so good but i would say the worst of these to take out is the swords, this is 'cause you can drop them on turn three and then equip them to invisible stalker on turn four and then mana leak something.
If you cant find anything suitable i would look to your cmc 2s (once again a few to many, i would be looking at a mana leek or swiftfoot boots) and 6s (possibly a bit late game as you will only reliably have the mana by about turn 8).

Also maybe exchange the Gideons for angelic overseers.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 07:10


Yeah, ur right. I removed 2 land and 1 dagger for 3 Champion of the Parish. Also swapped gideon for the overseer. thx for the advice.

Posted 18 November 2011 at 07:22


why are you running sun titans in an aggro deck? their nice and all but it really doesn't fit the aggro playstyle to run 6 drops, especially without mana excel, you could add like a decent 1 drop in elite vanguard or fiend hunter / more o rings @ 3

Posted 23 November 2011 at 05:50


Yeah, your right. I replaced him with another Mikaeus and 1 more O-ring. Thx for the advice.

Posted 23 November 2011 at 07:45


i won turn 5 with my 1st sample hand assuning they blocked twice

Posted 25 November 2011 at 08:30


Lol? Against what?

Posted 02 December 2011 at 03:57


From what I have seen in this deck, It is pretty fair that you will win by turn 5+. Now, What I would do is take one Angelic Destiny out. [So have 3 of]. It is a great card yes, but you don't need it right away in your opening hand. You want your 2 Seachrome Coast in there, 1 Invisible Stalker, 1 basic Land, Either Geist of Saint Traft or Mirran Crusader, Vapor Snag and O-ring.
Your deck will let you Mull down to 5 with little worry. But one thing I do see that I think you should have is some card draw. You don't need Gitaxian Probe. Will not suit your deck. Use, Ponder and Curiosity. If you put Curiosity in it you can add it to your Stalker. It also can go on your Geist, and Crusader with no regret.
I also see that you want this to be aggro. Well to be aggro you need to control and overwhelm your opponent. O-ring is perfect and having three will help that out greatly. Add Fiend Hunter. He is a 1WW and is a creature based O-Ring.
I have some personal business with Mikaeus. I really hate the card and in my opinion does not fit the deck at all. (X)W does not look promising. What if you played my delver deck? Or my version of humans? How about my heartless summoning? Or even the guys who topped at worlds? They will counter, creature hate,and enchant it like a mother. My personal opinion is scrap him.
Are you going to play FNM? Or are you going to PTQ's? If your only going to play FNM then I would add elite inquisitor to your Main Board Ranks. BUT scrap him as soon as you know your in the top half. Remember FNM is for anybody who has a deck that is standard. See, when my brother and I go to FNM, he goes for the fun and the door prizes. I go for being in the top 8. What I'm trying to say is you got those guys who go for fun and you have people who go and has his PTQ deck and plays to get 1st place in FNM to get his 10-15 boosters [or 30$ in the case].
Now Side Board Help:
2 spell-bomb Reason why is that in my findings at worlds and FNM in 4 states I have not seen more than 6-8 solar flair [or it the other versions] and I went to St. Louis MO, Fargo ND, Laramie WY, and East St. Louis IL. These places are were a lot people go to play FNM and is the biggest card store in that city/state. My personal favorite is Laramie Game's Gauntlet :). Can you please explain why you have the Ratchet Bomb in your sideboard. I see why, but it will take a long time to even get some counter on it and by then, that card would have been naturalized, O-Ringed, or Go For the Throat-ed. Put 2 witchbane in the Side board. I would play it when I see Delver, aggro red, or a cursed deck. I would add Dismember, Reinforcements, and Ghost Quarter.
Also I would Consider Gideon Jura. He has a lot of perks and is a great card period. Add at least 1 or 2. either in the main board or side board. [Plus he helps your champion [because his 0 loyalty counter is a 6/6 human with no regret].
I would also consider Hero of Blade-hold as a Sideboard. Because she creates soldiers, not humans. She is the best defense card you may have yes, but aggro is to get your opponent down before your opponent gets you down.
This is just what I think Jay, and hope it helps. And would you like to go to the Salt Lake City Pro Tour Qualifier with Me and a few of my friends? You can contact me more about that in my email
[email protected]

and yes you can call me Vito. :) :P

Posted 30 November 2011 at 22:09


I origionally had Gideon in here, but he poved to be too late game for 3ww. Can you please explain how he helps my chapion, because he doesn't enter as a human. I took your advice with Fiend Hunter, so I moved O-ring to the SB. Also took you're advice with Ponder, although I dissagree with you on adding Curiosty. Yes it is awesome on a stalker or a Mirran Crusader but as soon as I play it on Crusader, the Crudader will become a prime target and will instantly be removed. The reason I still main board Hero is 'cause her tokens being soldiers is not a big issue. This deck is not tribal humans, it's just a bunch of agressive W/U cards in a deck and all those cards just happen to be human (exept for Geist). Anyway, I took all your advice on the SB, but I'm still unsure about reinforcements. I'm usually the one on more life and having more creatures. Please explain how to get more pottential from reinforcements. I would absolutely love to go to the Salt Lake City Pro Tour Qualifier with u and ur freinds, but I'm sorry I can't because I live in Australia :(
Anyway, thx heaps for the help!

Posted 01 December 2011 at 01:02


misred the card for champion... and i thought in my head that gideon plays out as a human with his loyalty counters..
And Curiosity: when i was typing that i did think about what you said... I was wondering if it was blue white aggro or if it was tribal... LOL... and reinforcements are pretty cute... especially if your opponent doj's and then your opponent wants to do pull out a chandra's phoenix lol.. even if your life is not on the line but your creatures are less, reinforcements are good. its just a plus if your life was a little under your opponent.. at least sideboard??? LOL

Posted 01 December 2011 at 05:55


Try testing on Magic Workshop. Great way to test decks.

Posted 02 December 2011 at 01:51


I downloaded Magic Workstation, but I'm still trying to figure out how to actually playtest decks. I'm currantly using the unregistered version.

Posted 07 December 2011 at 01:13


Honor of the pure is always good, why are you plying blue without mana leak and where is doomed traveler? a 1/1 human that with haunt becomes 2 1/1 flying spirits look at mine if you need help it has never lost

Posted 02 December 2011 at 18:15


Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=266850
It's very good at handling itself past a day of judgment and that is what most good aggro needs to get through the current metagame

Posted 02 December 2011 at 18:17


If this deck was inspired by kamakazi's deck, then what is better about yours than his?
When you remake a deck with your "style" or "flair" there is a method and reasons why yours has differences, because you believe your choices are more practial or would run better. If that is not the case, then just copy his and run it.

Posted 02 December 2011 at 20:23


Personally, i would add in a couple of mana leaks in main deck, just because I love to foil my opponents giant plans they have to halt my win once they see that its unavoidable.
Other than that, i really like this deck. Ive got a W/U control deck that i would like to play aginst this one as soon as this cycles out of standard, so they are both legacy/ casual play

Posted 02 December 2011 at 23:16


and if you find the time, or anyone else who wants to take a look-see, i just made a new grixis control deck. I would love if anyone would help me out and improve it in any possible way.

Posted 02 December 2011 at 23:20


its good but you need to take out the invisible stalker

Posted 03 December 2011 at 02:37


Why> The Stalkers are a good 1U drop that is UNblockable. which helps when your opponent has ANY creature out that can kill it.. you add angelic destiny.. your opponent is fucked.. you even add an equipment card like daggers, 4/1 comming at you? cant block? to fucking bad.

so in my defense keep your stalker in there. and add honor of the pure.... for Christ sake it helps your soldiers since they don't get human help.. LOL
hope that helps bruh

Posted 03 December 2011 at 12:10


i would also do 3 of of the seachrome... it wouldnt help if it bangg out as a dead draw

Posted 03 December 2011 at 12:13


If I drop down to 3 seachrome, then they will more often than not be a dead draw. The reason I'm running 4 is 'cause to increase my chances of playing it by turn 3. Since I'm playing most of my spells by turn 3 it doesn't matter anyway.

Posted 04 December 2011 at 04:46


I think that you shoud get rid of artifacts, they only slow you down bro. Or even put SoWaP to sideboard. Then Doomed Travelers are wonderful 1 mana for two 1/1 creatures!

Check my W/U Aggro and leave comment! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=267285

Posted 03 December 2011 at 16:21


http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=266673 help plz plus 1 like from me nice deck man

Posted 03 December 2011 at 20:46


Looking pretty strong, I also made a w/u deck as well have a look.


Posted 04 December 2011 at 09:12


i just want to help to make your deck a bit stronger so don't be upset with the comment this is just my opinion . First you play with so little removals 4 o rings means 1 max 2 per game average .If you play angelic as your main win condition you can't play with only 2 abolisers becase you make it very vunrable to removals / counters after game 1 everyone has answers for it.Stalker is not a good card period you play it on turn 2 and then attack for 1 every turn it doesn't stack with honor and you have to get angelic or dagger to make him usefull mirran or geist are better because the are great and without any suport. you can''t drop your heros below 4 they are the best white 4 drop in the format they die easly becase they demand an immediately answer or you win the game. Try my suggestion and if they don't work just go to your original buildup ,remove stlakers add 2 hero 2 abolisher, remove ponder and daggers add 2 dimember and 2 fiend hunters i prefer mana leak instead of vapor but vapor is a good way to make room for attack. Finally from sideboard it seems you haven't play with alot of other T2 decks like w/g tokens, RDW , wolfrun etc you need 4 mana leaks if you play against control , leonin arbiter is must for wolf run and pod , you have to add 2 day of judgment for tokens and tempereed steel , orb is terrible in your deck but you have a great sideboard for RDW timely is amazing. I hope i helped

Posted 05 December 2011 at 04:02


I took you're advice on removing Stalkers and adding Fiend Hunters, yeah Stalkers were a bit weak. I also added Leonin Arbiters to the SB. You'r really gonna have to persuade me to add more Bladeholds. Yes, they are amazing but Angelic Destiny can be used as soon as it comes into play, and it is especially good on a Crusader for a 6x2 attack. Hero is only good by turn 5+. Since I have no mana exel they are almost useless. Please explain in more detail why I should add more Heros. Also thx for the advice =)

Posted 05 December 2011 at 05:13


As it is your deck now angelic is very good you play 4 and you can consistantly get more than 1 each game with poder i like it this way much better. Generally hero is better overall (i also play u/w humans) i have try the angelic and hero and now i play 4 heros and 2 angelic SB only for certain decks and i will explain why, first angelic is enchantment and yes you can instanly equip and hit very hard but it 's very vanruble to any removal (thats why i said to max your abolisers) someone can shock/ doom blade your guy when angelic is on stack or o ring /fiend hunter or even simply use unsummon and angelic is gone Second you must have a theat on board to equip.For the hero now i totaly agree with the mana accelaration but she has a lot of advantage spesialy alongside crusader , she creates an
overwhelming board advantage , she has thoughness 4 very importand against red spells and other 4 drops yes she is vunrable to black removal but this is were crusader comes, she demands the oponent to have blockers for her and the tokens angelic only needs one . Those card are extremely good the problem is to be effective in most situations and hero is hero you know everytime what you get . I hope i explained

Posted 05 December 2011 at 11:47


I see what u meen now with maxing my abolishers. I removed an island for another abolisher. I think it is safe to run a full set of angelic destinys now I've maxed out the abolishers. As for the hero, she is better overall, but just not in this deck. Thx for all your help! Do you think it will run better now and do you think it has a good chance at fnm?

Posted 05 December 2011 at 23:17


you haven't try this deck in fnm yet?

Posted 06 December 2011 at 16:36


No. My currant tournament deck is this: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=263054
I'm actually saving up for this deck. Hopefully I'll have enough cash to buy it by christmas, I just wan't peoples oppinions on this deck to see wether this deck is good enough to play in tournaments.

Posted 06 December 2011 at 22:46


ok i see , i don't know what cards you have so i will tell you what hepled my with my deck
i have already playtested in 5 fnm and i have 2 first places and 1 second so this is what i found usefull,
dismember is great as main to make way for you threats to attack so i will suggest to add 2 by removing the lens
for your sideboard options
4 timely
2 celectial purge
2 Leonin Relic-Warder
2 to 3 Leonin Arbiter
2 day of judgment very very importand for tempereed and g/w tokens i also found it usefull with RDW
3 to 4 mana leak this is our best answer to control and wolfrun (with arbiter)
1 dismember
i read an article you probably know it already in TCGplayer.com
and helped very much ,your deck is powerfull but the most importand thing in fnm is your sideboard and even more importand what your remove to add it
i hope i helped you !

Posted 07 December 2011 at 01:28


and please play 4 honor this is THE best card in this deck trust my

Posted 07 December 2011 at 01:36


I'm not putting DoJ in the SB. If I'm worried about tokens, I'll SB Ratchet Bomb. I replaced Vapor Snag with Gitaxian Probe because it speeds up this deck. I took you're advide with some of the SB and I also replaced lense with Dismember and I found room for another Honor of the Pure. Thx for ur help!

Posted 07 December 2011 at 03:04


ok now the deck is very solid good luck in your play ;-)

Posted 07 December 2011 at 14:30


Thx man! And thankyou for all you're help on this deck!

Posted 07 December 2011 at 22:50


Maybe Invisible Stalker

Posted 05 December 2011 at 22:57


Origionally I had stalkers in there, but they are only good with equiptment on them e.g. swords. Since I don't have any good equipment in here, he basically deals 1 damage every turn, which is not verry helpfull since I'm planning on winning by turn 5.

Posted 05 December 2011 at 23:05


nice deck please come check out mine http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=269997

Posted 12 December 2011 at 05:32
