Zombie tribal is so fun, especially against other zombie tribal....zombie war!!
wish i could like this a hundred times.
question...If Maw of Obzedat is chillin' on the battlefield, you know, just hanging out, and you cast bone splinters...do you get to destroy a creature AND get +1+1?Basically, can you have multiple sacrificial effects for the same sacrificed creature?
yessssssss. ssssssnakessssssHey Norwar, your percentage of white decks is much lower than the other colors. This must be fixed. I'm thinking something involving STEPPE LYNX. Booyakatcha!!!!!
aaaah now i'm all excited, looks like we're making another tonight.
Fun idea. Bye bye friends....:)
Oooh I didn't think about that....and I even have that card. Good lookin' out kazz
I loooooove one drop heroes, if I get some holts I'll definitely throw them in!
Yeah I think you may be right, after playtesting...
Good times Norwar! BTW I made my first deck, I've learned a lot from all of yours...I hope you approve!!http://www.mtgvault.com/jasonfish/decks/cheap-onedrop-fun/
Hey Norwar, love this. Just thought I should tell you that you are officially my mtg guru. I'm new to it and don't have time to figure this game out....