
13 Decks, 59 Comments, 17 Reputation

Thought scour, mind funeral, mind grind, glimpse the unspeakable

Posted 29 May 2013 at 02:15 as a comment on Jace Mill V.2


Needs more bears

Posted 21 May 2013 at 20:47 as a comment on Greatest Green Deck Ever


its still an extort trigger

Posted 19 May 2013 at 02:05 in reply to #353898 on Monowhite Enchant Control


if its heavy aggro why no blind obedience?

Posted 18 May 2013 at 20:32 in reply to #353898 on Monowhite Enchant Control


where is your response to non aggro decks?

Posted 18 May 2013 at 17:49 as a comment on Monowhite Enchant Control


m,y red burn runs smoothly at 17 mana. if you see more than 4 by your 3rd draw your basically fizzled

Posted 11 May 2013 at 04:49 as a comment on 489988


I know what you mean I started in planeshift.

Posted 09 May 2013 at 08:47 in reply to #349950 on Chronic's Soldier Deck


"Daru Warchief" all soldiers get +1/+2 and cost 1 less

Posted 08 May 2013 at 19:55 as a comment on Chronic's Soldier Deck


I'm wondering if this is based off the idea of "Turbo Fog" that placed 54th at the qualifier back in March.

2 Augur of Bolas
3 Snapcaster Mage
2 Garruk, Primal Hunter
2 Jace, Architect of Thought
1 Jace, Memory Adept
2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
2 Forest
2 Island
1 Alchemist's Refuge
3 Breeding Pool
2 Glacial Fortress
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Hinterland Harbor
3 Sunpetal Grove
4 Temple Garden
4 Clinging Mists
1 Dissipate
4 Fog
3 Sphinx's Revelation
4 Farseek
4 Supreme Verdict
1 Terminus
2 Urban Evolution

3 Witchbane Orb
1 Centaur Healer
2 Thragtusk
1 Curse of Echoes
2 Detention Sphere
1 Dispel
2 Dissipate
2 Negate
1 Psychic Spiral

Posted 08 May 2013 at 19:31 as a comment on Fog Deck


I didn't forget your "burn" but that is 1 in 15 chance to have it, where 8 burn spells bring you down to 1 in 8(rounded up).

Posted 07 May 2013 at 17:10 in reply to #349182 on Discard your Soul


I agree with this. I feel like while you test it you will end up coming short far too often. I would replace the blast of genius and 1 heartless for faster ping. That way you can seal the deal once you are sitting on a 0/3 vs 1 life.

Posted 07 May 2013 at 15:11 in reply to #349182 on Discard your Soul


Snapcaster Mage or Alchemists Refuge for more Fog?

Posted 07 May 2013 at 15:01 as a comment on Fog Deck


you dont seem to have a win condition... If you're going for a flicker effect look into "Nephalia Smuggler"

and some cards that can produce wins.. Captain of the Watch,Geist-Honored Monk,(token flood) Hornet Queen (4 flying death touch 1/1s)

Posted 29 April 2013 at 09:09 as a comment on Stan Pauper Flicker Ramp


With the combo I posted you get a huge life gain off resto.
Il put it this way if you have trostani and rhox on the field with 15 life. You cast avatar you go to 45. Then you resto angel to go to 53 target avatar and go to 159. On top of that resto is a great way to "counter" removal spells

Posted 29 April 2013 at 05:32 as a comment on Life Gain token


step 1 ramp
step 2 Rhox Faithmender + Trostani, Selesnya's Voice on board
step 3 cast Serra Avatar
step 4 restoration angel target avatar

Posted 25 April 2013 at 21:55 as a comment on Life Gain token


replace 1 mount and 3 earthquakes with lava spike
replace 2 mount for fireblast

Posted 25 April 2013 at 11:44 as a comment on Tom Cruise Risky Business


where is sneak attack? and why are you missing 3 emrakul and 3 griz? Or the lotus petals

Posted 21 April 2013 at 18:16 as a comment on show and tell


You need the turn 5 battlesphere drops,which can be pulled through the mana myrs(iron,gold,copper,etc) or my the myr turbine with 5 myrs on the field. The upside to the turbine is if you combo it with unwinding clock you can drop 2 myr battlespheres back to back(1st one on their turn second one at the end of their turn)

A side combo you should think about is. The mana myrs +galvanizer infinite mana combo+ myr matrix 5: put a 1/1 myr token on the field

The mana combo requires 2 mana myr and 2 galvs
Im gonna use gold myr to explain because he's white

Step 1: Tap Gold myrs for mana
Step 2: 2 White mana Floating
Step 3: Pay 1 and tap the galv to untap all other myrs.
Step 4: 1 White mana floating
Step 5: Tap Gold myrs for mana
Step 6: 3 mana floating
Step 7: Pay 1 and tap the untapped galv to untap all other myrs.
Step 8: Repeat steps 5-7 as many times as needed to create as much mana as you want.

I personally aslo think Myr Retriever is good because it will return an artifact from the graveyard to hand when it dies so you can keep grabbing spell bombs and getting extra draws.

If you are looking for early game blockers the Myr Servitor are good because they can team block up to 3/3 and they come back as long as you keep one on the field.

If you make the switch to artifact lands make sure to put in 1-2 incubators in because you can turn 6 drop hard cast it then turn 7 deck fix by removing all lands and getting that many 1/1 myr artifact tokens on the battlefield.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 04:38 as a comment on Myr Deck!


this is my irl tribal deck. All foil ofc.


Posted 19 April 2013 at 12:45 as a comment on Myr Deck!


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