
7 Decks, 9 Comments, 1 Reputation


Posted 08 April 2013 at 15:55 as a comment on Stasis...


The Stalker / Trepenation combo is good but stalker / sword of body and mind is better. Iv'e seen mill win with just mind grind late game when you flashback it with snappy. The only creatures i would run are snapcaster, stalker and nighthawk. dreadwaters is another good mill. the rest of the deck should be TEMPO, unsummon, silent departure, vapor snag etc. add some spot removal in the form of go for the throat and such and you have a control mill that works.

Posted 08 April 2013 at 15:33 as a comment on Standard Mill Pool


drop flinthoof in favor of rubblebelt raiders

Posted 26 March 2013 at 23:22 as a comment on Naya Humans, Aggro


Just to let you know, seat of the synod is restricted to 4 per deck just like everything else.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 14:57 as a comment on Artifact Flash-Flood


I actually..... i mean.... just ..... wow. I like it alot.

Posted 15 March 2013 at 14:07 as a comment on BUG Immortal Servitude


Naya Humans: The curve works out ok actually. I run a 76.82% chance of drawing 2+ lands on opening.

As far as the mana base, it works fine with the land I have. I have playtested my mana base since the deck was able to be built and havent run into any problems.

As far as other cards, mayor only helps me when he is a human (and I want to drop a creature EVERY turn, so i would prefer not to wait for my opponent to gutter before he flips to his better side which then doesn't help the deck along much anyway) Rancor is going in the SB as a 2 of, knight of glory's exalted will be useless because I want to keep on the attack with as much as possible, huntmaster would be ok, but I have my only two playsets in other decks that are tested and work. If my humans don't cost much anyway... why would I need the ramp from pilgrim?

Posted 15 March 2013 at 13:55 as a comment on Naya Humans


I actually manage a turn 3-4 stasis lock about 75% of the time. This deck originally had my force of wills in it, but I am limited to 5 playsets and they are more relevent right now in other decks. I really posted this just to keep the list together because after playing stasis for 10+ years i think it might be time to retire it and build something new.

I don't really agree with the holwing mines though. Yeah, it speeds up decking, and yeah it allows you to draw your wincon faster, but youre A) replacing another card that can have a greater advantage and B) giving your opponent card advantage. If a player sees the lock they either have an answer or don't. Drawing two cards a turn isn't going to matter if they do (or don't) have an answer in their deck. They'll either scoop or wait for whatever tech they need.

Posted 15 March 2013 at 13:50 in reply to #323853 on Stasis


I still have to work on a sideboard, but unfortunately my candelabras are being used elsewhere and I won't post a deck that I can't keep constructed at any given time. It runs fine without them though and so far the deck is 29-1, with my one loss going to belcher. The only card that has stayed in my sideboard has been 4x mindbreak trap for TPS and belcher.

Posted 15 March 2013 at 13:39 in reply to #323854 on High Tide


actually, i have been running this deck since it first made the circuit after the release of the original mirrodin and used it for legacy tournanaments in my area when I got sick of running belcher or five color blue. What I'm trying to do now is make it viable with the cards that have been released since. The no sideboard is because, honestly, i have other decks to work on that are more relevent to my current meta.

If i wanted a modern deck, i would spit out some washed up, net decked eggs deck that, honestly, lets face it, isn't eggs anymore. Its just a combo that is trying to be what eggs was.

Posted 14 March 2013 at 22:32 as a comment on Sunny Side
