All of these are amazing ideas! I'm certain I can wiggle in a sizeable portion of these suggestions in. I really appreciate the info!
I'm kind of looking for either pump spells or creatures that would for this deck well without breaking my limited budget.
Another suggestion would be to ramp up the token generation. Raise the Alarm, Lingering Souls and Spectral Procession would do pretty well considering your color choices. You could also run Intangible Virtue to give your tokens +1/+1 and Vigilance!
You could try adding in Impact Tremors (Dragons of Tarkir Common) to give your tokens a little more usefulness alongside Purphoros!
I'm really interested in incorporating Sorceries and Instants into the deck, but I wouldn't know the first thing about that. Any ideas?Note: Still want to keep it block-constructed.
I like using Panharmonicon + 2x Decoction Module + Whirler Virtuoso to get infinite Thopters and Energy Counters!
If I could make a suggestion, you could use a couple of Wispweaver Angels and create an infinite Gonti loop with Panharmonicon to just exile your opponents deck :D
See? It's crazy critter decks like this that make me want to keep all my removal spells in my vamp deck >_<. Nice deck idea, btw.
I'm going onto coolstuffinc and buying this deck right now! It looks AMAZING!!!