The extra cantrips were nice, especially with Delver and Goyf, but after some testing I realized the deck needed a bit more oomph, and that was taking up some extra slots. I have edited the deck. The biggest change being Jace. Still have 9 cantrips, which is a lot but not too excessive.
The curse is more of a test. Mentor is great in a token deck, especially with token generators like hero of bladehold that don't cost mana that turn. They could definitly come out for better token generators if there were any, but most of them are too expensive mana-wise (like geist honored monk and elspeth tiral). Timely reinforcements is great, but too situational for the main. Still, I do agree with you that this deck needs more token producers.
I've thought about Quick Silver Amulet, but it is fairly slow. Werewolves biggest advantage is that they are undercosted for their power when flipped. Also, because of Birthing Pod, Tempered Steel and swords being so popular, artifact hate is pretty common, and the amulet requires you to spend 4 mana to drop it without gaining any advantage and leaving yourself open. I pretty much just rely on Moonmist to transform, or pass the turn holding burn spells so I don't lose tempo while still flipping my wolves.