
1 Deck, 63 Comments, 16 Reputation

Athreos is a great card. I have been working on finding a place for him in my decks since he was spoiled. However, I don't see this combo beating out other modern decks if you plan to play it competitively. If you really want to play Athreos I'd recommend playing something with a control shell, where he fits better. I'm not downing your deck, I love the idea and most of the cards on their own. My suggestion is just to say that the card would fit a control or agro deck better than a combo only because the combo is easier to hate out, and slower than other combos in the modern format.

Posted 13 May 2014 at 00:11 as a comment on Athreos Sac Machine


get your coat of arms to pump your fungus and saprolings, it's cool when you have mycon out to use an x spell, genesis wave is cool to flood the board, doubling season mycoloth is not to be trifled with. i like the tribal feel though.

Posted 07 August 2013 at 18:45 in reply to #386991 on Modern Fungus


swap out the connections for phyrexian arenas, also you don't need 4. there is an excessive amount of mutilates, id recommend going down to three nighthawks, and obliterators, put in a few fleshwrithers and bloodline keepers.

Posted 14 April 2013 at 20:26 as a comment on Mono Black


i agree, that would be useful but it is unnecessary. however if you find garruk isn't doing what you want him for (making deaththouch wolves) then i'd say try it.

Posted 02 April 2013 at 16:21 in reply to #337897 on Aggro Ooze


it can be very useful to do everything at the last possible moment. it can be useful to fight on an opponents turn to remove a new threat that they thought was otherwise safe. while the tracker does it better the instant speed just keeps more options open than the sorcery

Posted 02 April 2013 at 06:27 in reply to #337871 on Fight Club


you want four of biomancer and clones he's how the deck is going to get crazy. this is what i run if you want ideas http://www.mtgvault.com/jalpino/decks/simic-lols/
also my friend raginggoblin's his is good http://www.mtgvault.com/raginggoblin/decks/standard-simic-midrange/
i agree with the invisible stalker though.
i would say that there are a few to many draw spells with biomancer you can mill yourself out, but unless thats your goal i would look for a more agro approach or midrange with mana dorks to balance out the mana curve. alot of things get crazy with biomancer
also on a side not your landbase could use some work breeding pools and hinterland harbor

Posted 01 April 2013 at 01:06 as a comment on You say you want an Evolution


you should work on the landbase, you want temple gardens and sunpetal groves, maybe you want gavony townships, they'll certainly be the best utility land for you. also i don't think death touch is quite as much a win con as it is a deterrent. odric almost never works quite well as a win con, i'd say it can be good to add in the fight mechanic with the deathtouch it's useful removal, as win cons when you have a good amount of static humans i'd use angelic overseer and sublime archangel.
i'd also reassess your pump spells and use mana dorks to balance out the mana curve

Posted 01 April 2013 at 00:56 as a comment on Standard "Touch of Death"


i like it but id put in thrun instead of the ascetic.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:42 as a comment on Hard to deal with


you should throw in Nearheath Pilgrim so you can do the infinite life combo

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:34 as a comment on RECKONer you'll win? standard


Same^ exactly the same. lol

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:30 in reply to #337421 on Dragon Maze Token Standard


I like it but i agree that hellrider is a better four drop than the hound

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:29 as a comment on rush of blood


your earliest varaska win comes on turn seven and you only run one in the deck, i realize that you've got threats but i don't think that it's worth keeping. I'd throw in nighthawk to deter attacks and slow your opponent. and 20 lands is what i would run in the deck, but if your'e going to keep the utility lands around the stay at 22

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:17 as a comment on Golgari Giants


there are a ton of good things in black green standard right now. there's potential as a shell, this just needs a focus.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:09 as a comment on B/G Golgari Standard


I don't think you need krenko, because you don't exactly run a goblin deck. Fervor isn't necessarily worth it either because tokens make better blockers than attackers in standard. I'd say it would be better if you refocus on white-black tokens and throw in another sorin his emblem is worth a lot more than you think with all the tokens and sublime archangels for exalted you you can establish a clock, maybe nighthawk so you can get a life advantage and there blockers only stay around for a turn. also cures of exhaustion hurts a lot when you have a board and they don't

Posted 31 March 2013 at 18:02 as a comment on Dragon Maze Token Standard


i would just say burn the strongholds for wolf-runs and lose the basic lands for some more duals

Posted 02 March 2013 at 19:36 as a comment on Aurafying Experience


take out the vorapedes for two more silverhearts he's a beter 5 drop and you want to take out pit fight for a more permanent fight mecanic like ulvanwald tracker, and i would find a better pump than revenge of the hunted

Posted 25 February 2013 at 00:02 as a comment on Mono Green


you need aquatcts will

Posted 23 February 2013 at 10:01 as a comment on Modern Fish



Posted 22 February 2013 at 19:58 as a comment on Black Death


You dont need grisly salvage you need Somberwald Sage. It will help you win the game. I like the deck. although you dont need the Treasury or the enchantments to win. you should look at Sigarda and try putting in white control instead of things like Unburial Rights.

Posted 22 February 2013 at 19:23 as a comment on Descent Into Junk


you did a nice job with this deck, keeping a reasonable amount of control for playing agro, and vampires can usually stand up to midrange in my experience. but I would look to put in a few Stromkirk Noble, at least in the side, and a beautiful master of death Necropolis Regent he deserves a spot in this deck. Bonfire also seems counter intuitive, because vampires are all about board presence. i would take it out for a small black kill spell, maybe tragic slip, and look to put in Vampire Nocturnus. as far as creatures go Blood Artist is useful, but is he worth keeping? and are there really creatures that i want to sacrifice to the Aristocrat.

Posted 22 February 2013 at 19:14 as a comment on Vampire Love


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