Looks great and very stable. I agree with changing the splicers for heroes, they easily become a bigger threat!
Love the undyings to make at aggro! Are the hex parasites for PW's? I think they'd do better in the sideboard, since white aggro is strongest at the moment.
It looks very nice yes, won't fetch lands help your deck? It can even be used with Furnace Celebration! And how does the sideboard work for you?
No, I definately see this deck working against most deck types. I can imagine you might get a few problems with aggro, but it shouldn't be a greater concern when the opponent only starts with "10" life (infect). I have to try it too... Really like Distortion Strike!
Ajani's Mantra is a gd shitty card to draw lategame, very bad idea. I know it kicks ass if you have on your opening hand, but it's too much of a risk : /
Awesome deck I must say. I didn't think poison counters would work, but with Creeping Tar Pit, Infiltration Lens, Tainted Strike and Distortion Strike, I can imagine it'll work pretty damn well! Have to try it : D
Interesting deck, but I think you should go standard or Extended instead. Dark ritual, Haunting Echoes and Psychic Drain shouldn't be in there, they slow down the deck, if you begin with them on your hand. What were you planning on playing with your Dark Ritual? The first thing you want is to put Blightning and Inquisiton Of Kozilek in there, then it should get pretty interesting : )
Yes, I tried to keep it standard legal, but none of the versions really work. It's a too unstable deck, since it only works once in a while against certain decks, even though I tried many versions of it. Moving on to a safe and fun grixis control deck!
It's very interesting! Isn't it a bad idea to play Pollenbright Wings though? It's way too expensive, and you should've won before you play it : )
To overwhelm your opponents, you have to have more creatures than him/her. Since you don't have any card advantage by either drawing cards or searching your library for creatures, you'll just end up with a lot of small creatures on the battlefield, while your opponent probably has larger and better creatures or controls the game with a combo or control deck. You need to think everything through here : )
This looks really good. Think you're gonna enjoy the new Scars Of Mirrodin cards, Profilerate will definately spice things up.
4 Path To Exile in main board instead of Oblivion Ring. Put the Oblivion Ring in sideboard instead of Mark Of Asylum, because you have the 4 Kor Firewalker's, they should be sufficient. You don't seem to have enough removal against a creature based deck. Mono green will tramble you down : / I WOULD put fetch lands in your deck, so you won't draw so many lands late game, and I think you'll be able to withstand the life loss from them, now you got all that life gain : ) Elspeth or/and Gideon would be awesome too, but if you're going budget, that might be hard : /
How about you add some Preordain and Hallimar Depths? It seems pretty important for you to find the right cards. There will probably be a lot of counter/creature destroying to your Leveler, so it would be a good idea to keep your spells full of counter/combo (Double Cleave and Lightning Greaves), and not so much card draw : )