you might want to put in electropotence or warstorm surge.
Incredible deck, sir. Might I suggest green sun zenith, or perhaps a birthing pod. It might be beneficial.
this deck isnt all that great, you can use mox diamond and you need mycosynth golem
Mite want to add Deathrender
You might consider becoming a writer. if you arent one already :) Nice work, very captivating :D
yeah i think your right. The Rack is pretty pointless. Maybe ill add 4 Painful Quandary. I keep Moat and Mystic Decree sideboarded because otherwise the deck just isnt fair for other players.
lol. im just saying i sideboarded them for competetive play. otherwise people dont want to play cause the decks to powerful xD
moat mystic decree are sideboarded
actually it doesnt really make a differece in this deck.
add predator ooze This is an actual creatureless deck :)
this isn't really creatureless. If batterskull comes in as a creature. then Throne of empires puts tokens on the field. Technically tokens are creatures.
You might want to try Mind Sludge or Mind Rot. Those would be fantastic for discards
Oh i gotcha. Yeah I think that volt charge isnt the right thing early game. but I sideboarded it :)
Really great concept!! Unfortunately, you can only have one Relentless Rat in EDH. That is the official ruling. But im sure as long as your playing with friends they wont care :)
Control decks are fun..If you like making it so the other player cant play :) I see no problems with this deck other than maybe adding an 'Isochron Scepter'. otherwise it looks great. Very effective on creature removal.
Yeah for sure, but why do you call them sexy decks?
Holy crap. Didnt even think about that.
Nope just anything peaks your interest. Maybe take a look at the creatureless deck. see if i should add moat to it if you want?
Hey, thank you very much :)
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