Aegis Angel: Nice little card to make something indestructable for a bit, and of course adds flying to the deck. A bit expensive though, might swtich out for something better.
Akrasan Squire: Excellent little 1-drop, exalted is a bonus. Probably keeping forever.
Angel of Glory's Rise: EXPENSIVE, but I play against many zombie commanders, and bringing all humans back is a nice little surprise. Keeping for a bit, might sideboard it.
Angel of Jubilation: excellent counter for many decks. In addition to this, even if I am not playing against against a deck like this, the +1/+1 is really good for 4 mana.
Archangel of Thune: 'Nuff said.
Aven Squire: 2-drop with flying and exalted. And is of course a soldier. Useful early game.
Captain of the Watch: yeah.. again.. Nuff said.
Catapult Master: I only get to use this on rare occasions, very nice when I do however.
Cenn's Tactition: kinda filler right now, the +1/+1 is good if I'm screwed and can't do anything else. The blocking an extra creature I don't usually find very useful.
Combat Medic: expensive for it's size, and not very useful besides saving some key creatures occasionally. If I had something better than I would replace it.
Darien, King of Kjeldor: sooooo amazing if I can get him out, especially with a soul warden/attendant. then damage-soldiers-life :)))
Doomed Traveler: good one drop already, then flying 1/1. fabulous card.
Elite Inquisitor: 2/2 for 2 with first strike, vigilance, AND prot. from some shtuff (mostly zombies with commander decks, vamps with come up eventually) one of the best singular cards in this deck.
Elite Vanguard: Meh, 2/1 for 1. nice card.
Fabled Hero: even though I don't have many cards in this deck to take full advantage of the heroic ability, it is still a nice card with double strike, which can of course be taken advantage of with concerted effort.
Fiend Hunter: little spot removal, always useful when I get it.
Gideon's Lawkeeper: one drop with a little bit of control thrown in for good measure.
Grand Abolisher: just... yeah... grand abolisher. so amazing.
Hero of Bladehold: More 1/1's and battle cry for 4. Wins any game that I can successfully get it out, and make it stay out.
Icatian Javelineers: one drop that can kill a random creature here and there, or possibly deal a death blow (has happened before, it was awesome)
Imposing Sovereign: read the card, tell me that it isn't awesome.
Infantry veteran: very useful early game, can make some things bigger, it's good.
Intrepid Hero: it's really good soldier, helps to control the battlefield, especially since usually my soldiers are bigger than 4/4's.
lost leonin: Alt win-condition.
Loyal Cathar: A soldier that comes back after it dies, yeah, it's just that awesome.
Loyal Sentry: wait? you wanted to kill me with that 50/50 trample? ohhh... soooo sorry!
Mosquito Guard: one-drop that has the possibity of a +1/+1 counter. works well early game.
Palace Guard: put prot creatures or indestructability on it.. block everything every turn.
Precinct Captain: extra 1/1's. Nuff said.
Soul Warden/Attendant: in combo with Darien, it's amazing. and is also very useful early game.
Stonhorn Dignitary: Nice in certain situations, saved my ass a couple of times.
Sun Titan: yeah.. umm... yeah. really sweet-ass card.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: interesting situational card, very nice against slower non-creature based decks.
verteran armor(smith/er)/swordsmith: pretty obvious, very good cards just to boost up my army.