
24 Decks, 128 Comments, 14 Reputation

there are some cards similar to final fortune, the only problem is that they are sorceries, and as such not very useful. leveler does look interesting... but not trample, which is kind of key. prototype portal does look good, I didn't know about that card, I might think about finding some, but doesn't seem to add any more value besides copying eater of days.

Thank you very much for your suggestions though, do you have any more? I'm looking for some inexpensive tutors, and maybe some mana fixing options...

Posted 24 February 2014 at 07:57 in reply to #441742 on Sundial of the 3-Turn-Win(BW)


I agree that it is really weird, and its not really by choice that it's like this, I would like to change it a little bit, but you are most certainly right about the curve, and it doesn't counter some decks that would remove four a key card from my deck, since it doesn't have a key card, those things kinda don't work.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 05:33 in reply to #437508 on Spendy Soldiers of Rarity


until recently it was a commander.. soo I just kinda threw it all into a sixty, it works rather well actually, I tested it earlier today and kicked butt.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 03:54 in reply to #437508 on Spendy Soldiers of Rarity


mystic decree? (enchantment for 2u&2c "all creatures loose flying and islandwalk)

would work great with form of the dragon

and maybe island sanctuary? (you can choose to skip your draw phase, if you do, creatures can't attack you until your next turn unless they have flying or islandwalk)

just some thoughts.. looks solid tho.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 20:26 as a comment on The Enduring Modern Ideal


thank you very much for your ramblings! I enjoy seeing other peoples ideas.

so the thing with this deck is that I'm really not looking to buy any more cards, I'd like to use what I've already got/can trade easily. that kinda cuts out your list sadly, but if I ever do get some of those I will most certainly put them in, they look very solid.

harrow/harvest pyre- I've actually found these cards to combo really well, as well as the fact that with the geists and ooze I very often need more green mana, so it helps to rearrange my mana. but I do see where you're coming from and I am considering going down to three.

lightning elemental/incinerate-I agree absolutely now that I see it, I'm gonna change it as soon as possible.

traitorous blood- this is situational, it's useful because it gets ride of a potential blocker, and can totally turn a game around, I would like to maybe sideboard it out on some occasions however, because against weenie decks it does kinda suck.

thank you very much!

Posted 01 February 2014 at 09:13 in reply to #433345 on Budget Modern Zoo


great minds think alike I see.

take a look at this: http://www.mtgvault.com/jadesayade/decks/standard-gruul-budget/

you could think about gruul warchant, it would make a great addition to this deck for a late-game closer.

nice job dude. :)

Posted 22 January 2014 at 23:49 as a comment on Attack! We must attack!


Thank you for the suggestions! the only problem that I have is that this is supposed to be a budget deck, I'm trying to keep the low cost around ten dollars, something which is hard to do with emissary and viper. I might think about the hulks though, they do have some promise, and are relatively inexpensive.

Again, thanks for the suggestion! :)

Posted 22 January 2014 at 16:26 in reply to #429719 on Standard Gruul Budget


nice dude! looks very solid.

me likey.

Posted 21 January 2014 at 06:10 as a comment on Rakdos Marauders


if you want to make it super cheap I would suggest switching out mizzium mortars and ogre battledriver for two ground assaults and 4 gruul warchants.

thanks for the like! I will most certainly look at your deck. :)

Posted 21 January 2014 at 06:07 in reply to #429326 on Standard Gruul Budget


hmm. things to ponder. I'll look around for some of those cards. thank you very much for the suggestions!

Posted 17 January 2014 at 08:13 in reply to #427486 on Sundial of the 3-Turn-Win(BW)


hmmm... I didn't know about hellspark elemental. that would be a much better card for this deck. And I have been looking for another Lightning Helix (I already have one) because i have this OCD thing where with the decks that I play a lot, I have to have at least two of one card to put it in.

Again, thank you for the suggestion, and the kudos. ;)

Posted 16 January 2014 at 23:22 in reply to #427265 on Sundial of the 3-Turn-Win(BW)


Thank you for the suggestion. I have thought about it, but I very rarely get enough mana in this deck to cast darksteel forge. I've been looking for a card to make artifacts have hexproof or shroud. do you have any suggestions?

Posted 16 January 2014 at 23:20 in reply to #427486 on Sundial of the 3-Turn-Win(BW)


thank you very much. and especially for the suggestiong with Orim's chant, the only reason that I'm not putting it in here is because it cost to much money for my tastes, and it is "target player" instead of "opponents" the point of silence in the deck is to make opponents not able to counter sundial, or anything else important, and maybe to slow them down slightly. do you have any other suggestions?


Posted 15 January 2014 at 20:16 in reply to #427265 on Sundial of the 3-Turn-Win(BW)


dude... umm.. isochron scepter?

Posted 12 January 2014 at 09:25 as a comment on Moves like Ajani?


I don't see the reason for the marsh flats... since this is a mono white... other than that it is a very good deck. nice job!

Posted 12 January 2014 at 08:33 as a comment on Purity of the meek


you should check the rules... I can't remember how to find them, but if I'm remember the rules correctly then it would appear to be illegal in this deck.

Posted 12 January 2014 at 04:12 in reply to #426240 on Ruric Thar EDH


I like the deck, one thing to add though.. you can't have druid of the anima in your deck, you can't have any card with a mana symbol, other than the symbols in your commanders casting cost.

just so you know. other than that, it's a pretty solid deck.

Posted 11 January 2014 at 10:02 as a comment on Ruric Thar EDH


nice deck, but 4 tajics? it's a legendary creature, you can only have one out at once, might inconvenience you.
can you check out my deck? it's very similar to yours. http://www.mtgvault.com/jadesayade/decks/the-soldiers-of-boros/


Posted 01 January 2014 at 03:02 as a comment on Boros Buddies


very interesting deck! I really like the combo there.

if you would like some more ideas take a look at my deck which is very similar: http://www.mtgvault.com/jadesayade/decks/sundial-turn4win/

Posted 30 December 2013 at 04:35 as a comment on Flames of Time


thank you very much for your reply. it has made me reconsider some of my decisions. and I agree with almost all of your decisions. even though I am not intensively interested in making this deck standard at this time, as most of the tournaments in my town are legacy, and i can make it type II legal just by switching out three cards.

even though I would really like to put purphoros into this deck, I sadly do not currently have the trading stock, or money to buy/obtain him. and I believe that assemble the legion is a solid card on its own.

I kind of agree with you on your second point, but it is amazing to be able to attack with impunity, so I might remove one, and see how it works.

as for firemane avenger, I see where you are coming from, but in my experience it is fantastic, and almost an assured win if I can attack with this with battalion on turn 5.

and I definitely agree with you on boros elite, I totally agree with you, I have been looking for replacements.

I will try to find some boros reckoners, I think that I can trade for those, I sadly cannot find any more legion loyalists, and don't wish to spend the money right now.

madcap skills....? ehhh... I'm hesitant, especially with switching out frontline medic, and that I can see it killing off my creatures rather quickly, which in this deck, is not a very goood idea. I will try to see if I can find some however, and check them out.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 08:16 in reply to #422362 on The Soldiers of Boros


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