and oros will hurt goblin outlander becuase it doesn't target it so it would still be delt damage right?
some great suggestions please keep bringing more to the deck
ty :)
you know i would think that elvish champion would be good in any elf deck and is a must, but thats just my opinion.
umm stupid question but how do you play anything?
if you can get this deck to work then wow your mean! my friend and i used your dack adia and made it almost work but red and blue decks just distroyed it if you would please comment on my deck and tell me what you think. Deck link: name black/blue discard thx!
just a suggestion you might want to put feldor savrean in this deck ( i know its not spelled right) anyway since you are gaining alot of life you might as well have a chance to win because of it right. but ya other than that looks pretty solid
seems good dude but i might add some actual islands but hey if it works for you then do it
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